Moon Lander

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In the late 1970s to early 1980s, when men were men and video games were truly difficult, there was one video game that could be called hardcore among hardcore video games. It was called Lunar Lander. For game first made people suffer in 1979, when these gluttons for punishment put their hard-earned quarters into the coin slot of an Atari arcade machine. After that, they became pilots and took control of a lunar landing module steadily approaching the lunar surface. Consisting of mountains and hills, the Moon's topography wasn't very accommodating. This meant there were hardly any places suitable for a soft landing. The player had to resist the Moon's gravitational pull and descend gently using thrusters. Thrust and acceleration were controlled proportionally. The lander consumed fuel rapidly, and when the fuel ran out, the ship stopped responding to the pilot's actions. At this point, the player could throw more coins into the arcade machine (the ancestor of modern loot boxes!). The game required remarkable patience. Setting the landing module down slowly and on an even keel was incredibly difficult. Basically, the better the pilot lands the module, the more points he or she gets. We invite you to improve yourself and write your own version of Lunar Lander. Our version, which we'll call Moon Lander, will be like the classic game, but the graphics will be better (40 years have passed, after all!). We'll create a nice landing module that you'll need to carefully put on the Moon without hitting any mountains. For a gentle, even landing, we'll use the main engine, which slows descent and provides a little altitude boost. And we'll use the side engines for horizontal movement. Think this is a difficult task? Difficult, but not unbearable. Our team has already provided recommendations and broken the task into steps that a beginning programmer can handle. So be brave!
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Nidhi N Modi
Nivel , ,Ni
28 December 2023, 17:57
how are you guys writing these codes in your IDE? do we have access to the Game class?so we can use this code elsewhere
11 June 2023, 03:21
Good choice
Nivel , ,Ni
31 January 2023, 10:18
Color was write false of this site normally peopel write this word colour. the programmer can not englisch
Nivel , ,NiNi
29 June 2023, 11:24
No, it is not! Color is the version that is used in the united states.
Daniel Sampman
Nivel , ,Ni
3 December 2022, 09:03
Daniel Sampman
Nivel , ,Ni
3 December 2022, 09:03
20 April 2022, 18:17
where can i make it
Nivel , ,Ni
28 March 2022, 15:47
Do you play or make the game i am a starder
4 April 2022, 08:15
First, you make it, then you play it.
13 June 2021, 20:15
how do i play?
Nivel , ,NiNi
22 October 2020, 22:19
Just a heads up. the code can pass testing and still have a bug that kills you if you exceed safe landing speed mid air. to avoid this make sure to separate the code that checks for collision from the code that checks landing speed. also I found the speed a bit excessive, so I slowed down the rate of increase to speedY += 0.02 and it made it much more reasonable.
Ian De Bie Full Stack Developer
9 October 2020, 21:56
the other thing that baffles me is that none of my published games ever show the score, but in my ide they do.