CodeGym/Java kurs/Java-syntax/Villkorade operatörer

Villkorade operatörer

Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Number of days in the year
On Earth, a year lasts 365 or 366 days. The number of days is calculated according to the following formula: A leap year (366 days) is every year evenly divisible by 4, except for years that are multiples of 100 but not multiples of 400. We'll write a program that will determine whether the user has entered a leap-year or ordinary year from the keyboard.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Rule of the triangle
Can any three line segments be the sides of a triangle? You probably already guessed (or remembered from high-school geometry) that you can only have a triangle if the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side. Well, now we're going to write code to check whether 3 line segments are suitable for forming a triangle.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Crossing the road blindly
Let's say that we are certain that at the beginning of every hour our traffic light is green for 3 minutes, yellow for a minute, and then red for another minute. Then the sequence repeats. Our program must determine what light is on now (where "now" is a real number that indicates the number of minutes that have elapsed since the beginning of the hour).
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Do we have a pair?
Suppose we have three numbers. Now let's imagine that they are not numbers, but people ... Actually, never mind about that. We don't need to make this weird. Let's just check if there is at least one pair of identical numbers among the three. If there is, we'll display it on the screen. And if the three numbers are the same, we'll display all three.

Ett föreläsningsutdrag med en mentor som en del av Codegym University-kursen. Anmäl dig till hela kursen.

"Hej, Amigo. Idag ska vi prata om om/annas uttalanden ."

"Program skulle vara till liten nytta om de inte svarade på förändrade yttre omständigheter. Ett program måste veta hur man anpassar sig till omständigheterna och utför en åtgärd i ett fall och andra åtgärder i andra fall. I Java uppnås detta med hjälp av 'if/else-sats' – en speciell konstruktion som gör det möjligt att utföra olika kodblock om ett villkor är uppfyllt."

"Den består av tre delar: ' villkor ', ' kommando 1 ' och ' kommando 2 '. Om villkoret är sant, så exekveras ' kommando 1 ', annars exekveras 'kommando 2' . Dessa kommandon exekveras aldrig båda. Uttalandet ser ungefär ut så här:"

Kod för en if/else-sats
if (condition)

"Vad spännande! Jag tror att det uttalandet kommer att göra programmering mycket mer intressant!"

"Japp. Här är ett par exempel för dig:"

Koda Förklaring
if (a < b)
    System.out.println("A is less than B");
    System.out.println("B is less than  A");
Om a är mindre än b kommer det första kommandot att utföras. Annars kommer det andra kommandot att köras . Kommandona exekveras aldrig båda.
if (a < b)
    System.out.println("A is less than B");
    System.out.println("B is greater than A");
     System.out.println("B is less than A");
     System.out.println("A is greater than B");
Du kan ersätta ett kommando med ett kodblock. Resten är detsamma.
if (a < b)
    a = 0;
Du kan utelämna det andra blocket om det är tomt.
Dessa tre exempel är helt likvärdiga.
Du kan utelämna de krulliga parenteserna om du bara behöver utföra ett kommando. Om du har mer än ett kommando måste du behålla parenteserna.
if (a < b)
    a = 0;
if (a < b)
    a = 0;

"Diego bad mig precis ge dig några uppgifter."

Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Good or bad?
Student robot Peter is an overachiever. Previously, his server was configured to receive scores on a five-point scale, but now his teachers have switched to a 12-point scale. But Peter doesn't know this. He's still focused on getting fives. Let's write him a compare method that compares any number with five.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Closest to 10
Ten is extremely popular and attractive number. Everyone wants to be a ten. Or at least as close to it as possible. Two numbers are standing around wondering which of them is cooler. Answer: whichever is closer to ten. Let's write these numbers a displayClosestToTen method that will determine which of them is cooler.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Come on, lucky seven!
Dice games are popular on the planet Foggy Multidimensions. The rules are different than the Earth version: Multidimensionals perceive far more dimensions than primitive three-dimensional earthlings. Their die has 4294967295 faces. Players win only if they roll a number between 50 and 100. We'll write a method that checks whether the die roll is in this range.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Seasons on Terra
An Earth year consists of four seasons, each of which lasts 3 months. While our ship was parked on this cradle of humanity, the Interplanetary Tax Service asked us to write a program to determine the season based on a number corresponding to the month of the year. We don't know why they want it. They say that it's none of our business. But they promised not to remain in our debt.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Positive and negative numbers
Diego is tall, but Alfredo is short. Rishi is experienced, but you're a "noob" programmer. Comparisons are unavoidable in life. And the same thing is true in programs. So we'll continue practicing comparisons and displaying stuff on the screen. This time let's compare the entered number with zero and manipulate it based on the result of the comparison.
Java-syntax,  nivålektion
Day of the week
Planet Terra still has "offices"—an outdated type of workspace. With current technology, there is no need for them, but earthlings tend to be nostalgic and haven't been in a hurry to eradicate them. Terrestrial office workers develop "TGIF syndrome": they constantly want to know what day of the week it is. Let's write a program for them!

Ett föreläsningsutdrag med en mentor som en del av Codegym University-kursen. Anmäl dig till hela kursen.

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