• Bhagyashri Sorteระดับ30 minutes ago
    Bhagyashri Sorte unlocked the "New Java Syntax" quest
  • Bhagyashri Sorteระดับ30 minutes ago
    Bhagyashri Sorte advanced to Level 1
  • ОляระดับMoscow30 minutes ago
    Оля earned the "Marathon" achievement
  • ОляระดับMoscow30 minutes ago
    Оля earned the "Gimme 5!" achievement
  • ОляระดับMoscow30 minutes ago
    Оля completed the "No comments needed" task on attempt 1
  • ОляระดับMoscow30 minutes ago
    Оля is making attempt 1 to complete the "No comments needed" task
  • Davronbek UsmonovระดับKyzyldzhar30 minutes ago
    Davronbek Usmonov started the lesson entitled "Screen output"
  • Bhagyashri Sorteระดับ30 minutes ago
    Bhagyashri Sorte registered on CodeGym
  • Davronbek UsmonovระดับKyzyldzhar30 minutes ago
    Davronbek Usmonov started the lesson entitled "Commands and your first program"
  • midurbarระดับMadrid30 minutes ago
    midurbar earned the "Super Hackathon" achievement
  • midurbarระดับMadrid30 minutes ago
    midurbar completed the "Tipos correctos" task on attempt 1
  • midurbarระดับMadrid30 minutes ago
    midurbar is making attempt 1 to complete the "Tipos correctos" task