• Anonymous #11538556Nivå42 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11538556 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Ehi... felice anno nuovo!" task
  • Anonymous #11538590NivåCotonou42 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11538590 unlocked the "Syntaxe Java" quest
  • QaisThePlumberNivåTel Aviv43 minutes ago
    QaisThePlumber started the lesson entitled "Initializing objects. Initialize method"
  • Anonymous #11538590NivåCotonou43 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11538590 registered on CodeGym
  • Anonymous #11538556Nivå43 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11538556 completed the "CodeGym: impara una volta, usa ovunque" task on attempt 1
  • Anonymous #11538556Nivå43 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11538556 is making attempt 1 to complete the "CodeGym: impara una volta, usa ovunque" task
  • QaisThePlumberNivåTel Aviv43 minutes ago
    QaisThePlumber completed the "Cat carnage (4)" task on attempt 1
  • QaisThePlumberNivåTel Aviv43 minutes ago
    QaisThePlumber is making attempt 1 to complete the "Cat carnage (4)" task
  • MatildaNivå43 minutes ago
    Matilda started the lesson entitled "Übungen zur Variablensichtbarkeit"
  • Anonymous #11530416NivåFrisco43 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11530416 started the lesson entitled "How exceptions work"
  • Oleksandr HrechaniukNivåGermany43 minutes ago
    Oleksandr Hrechaniuk started the lesson entitled "Aufgaben mit und ohne Sternchen"
  • Oleksandr HrechaniukNivåGermany43 minutes ago
    Oleksandr Hrechaniuk started the lesson entitled "Nerd-Pause"