• Anonymous #11474521Mức độGermany19 April, 10:15
    Anonymous #11474521 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Minesweeper (Part 4/16)" task
  • Thịnh NguyễnMức độ19 April, 10:15
    Thịnh Nguyễn started the lesson entitled "Two-dimensional arrays"
  • Thịnh NguyễnMức độ19 April, 10:15
    Thịnh Nguyễn started the lesson entitled "Practice creating and using arrays"
  • AleyshaMức độ19 April, 10:15
    Aleysha started the lesson entitled "What are compilers?"
  • Anonymous #11505021Mức độ19 April, 10:15
    Anonymous #11505021 started the lesson entitled "가상 머신과 첫 명령어"
  • Thomas ZallMức độWien19 April, 10:15
    Thomas Zall is making attempt 1 to complete the "Fehler beheben" task
  • B. Minh TranMức độ19 April, 10:15
    B. Minh Tran returned to CodeGym
  • JiyongieMức độZielona Gora19 April, 10:14
    Jiyongie is making attempt 1 to complete the "Refactoring (part 1) " task
  • JesusGonzalez82Mức độ19 April, 10:14
    JesusGonzalez82 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Vacios y espacios" task
  • Yamini priyankaMức độ-19 April, 10:14
    Yamini priyanka is making attempt 1 to complete the "Let's take your temperature" task
  • Mihai24Mức độ19 April, 10:14
    Mihai24 completed the "Computer " task on attempt 2
  • Mihai24Mức độ19 April, 10:14
    Mihai24 is making attempt 2 to complete the "Computer " task