Galabugs Invaders

If you think the most successful computer game is one of the multi-million dollar blockbusters of recent years, you're mistaken! This honor goes to the good old (well, good in its own way) Space Invaders, which has brought developers roughly 10 billion dollars in inflation-adjusted profits. It had a huge impact not only on the video game industry, but also on pop culture: even if you've never played Space Invaders, you would probably recognize the shapes of the invaders and the brave spaceship standing against them in the starry cosmos. It was back in 1978 that the game appeared on arcade machines, telling the story of a lone pilot who repulses hordes of aggressive crab-like aliens. Since then, it has spawned oodles of new editions on every imaginable platform and saved the Atari 2600. Today the latest versions have been released for Android and iOS. Now it's your turn! Write your own version of Space invaders right here on CodeGym under the watchful supervision of our senior developers. Your game will be similar to the classic version: set in outer space, with cute 8-bit graphics, the ability to shoot at belligerent invaders, both the rank-and-file and the "generals" who lurk behind them, and the ability to evade enemy fire by dodging left and right. The player must fight until he or she kills all the ordinary aliens and the boss. Or until he or she is struck down by an alien blast. We aren't looking for an easy way out. That's why our version will be harder than the original: the player gets only one life.
评论 (15)
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Anonymous #11352309
级别 4 ,Ghana
13 六月 2023, 12:57
级别 1 ,Пекин,China
31 三月 2023, 15:27
级别 1 ,United States
15 一月 2022, 17:35
it my game
Anonymous #11001524United States Air Fo 工作
20 五月 2022, 20:27
级别 1 ,United States
12 十二月 2021, 21:18
why cant i play
Anonymous #11001524United States Air Fo 工作
20 五月 2022, 20:27
skill issue sadly
Denys Android Developer
30 四月 2021, 20:21
If you have problems with 29 level's "The nextFrame() method must call the superclass's nextFrame() method if the remainder of frameCount divided by 10 is equal to zero or the boss is dead.", rewrite the nextFrame method in a superclass.
Anonymous #11001524United States Air Fo 工作
20 五月 2022, 23:14
thanks gang
级别 0
18 二月 2021, 11:56
Anonymous #11001524United States Air Fo 工作
20 五月 2022, 19:52
Володя Пылыпенко
级别 0 ,Полтава ,Украина
25 二月 2020, 12:26
Добрый день всем кто здесь работает
级别 41 ,Crefeld,Germany
25 一月 2020, 14:04
Part 31 has an error in the requirements: The given arguments for the last instruction (setting the Boss class's constructor) need to be adjusted. The provided arguments in the description are: true, ShapeMatrix.KILL_BOSS_ANIMATION_FIRST, ShapeMatrix.KILL_BOSS_ANIMATION_SECOND The correct arguments however are: true, ShapeMatrix.BOSS_ANIMATION_FIRST, ShapeMatrix.BOSS_ANIMATION_SECOND
Abayomi Apata
级别 0
29 十一月 2019, 11:08
cool game!
Guadalupe Gagnon
级别 37 ,Tampa,United States
8 十一月 2019, 21:48
Part 24/34 has an error in the requirements: . The 3rd and 4th requirement should be onKeyReleased and not onKeyPress