"Hey, Amigo!"

"Hello, Captain Squirrels!"

"You've made it! There's more to come, but now you can take a moment to enjoy your victory: you've reached the end of the quest! I'm sure you'd be even more pleased if you complete a few more tasks, which were created especially for IntelliJ IDEA."

"Haha sure, you know how to cheer me up."

Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
We all have a little cat in us…
Would you like to be called Fluffy? What if you were also a super attractive redheaded cat who had lost an eye during the turf wars? Imagine, you're this fearless cat, the king of the streets - and then suddenly - Fluffy! And all the dogs start laughing. Help the cat regain his pride by overriding the getName method.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Fluffy no more
It turns out a redheaded cat named Fluffy fought for months to unify the Seven Courtyards of Fifth Street. But Beast doesn't want to be Fluffy. We need to change the original data and override the setName method. Otherwise, Beast's inner lion will never be unleashed.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Fluffy yet again…
Guess what. In case you still don't realize it, our sneaky red-haired cat really doesn't like that his owners named him Fluffy. One method for combating life’s injustices is to just hide the truth. So, here's a Cat class. Write a method that will prevent the message "I'm Fluffy" from being displayed.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Unknown animal
200 years have passed since the nuclear blast. Animals and intelligent life forms emerged from the drain pipes and began to multiply and replenish. Let's help the intelligent life forms compile a list of the animals that survived.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
A group of tourists from Planet Tally visited a Terranian zoo. But all of the animals' nameplates had been stolen by robots who needed the metal for medication. We'll forgive the robots, but now we need to write a method that determines the type of objects passed to it (cat, lion, tiger, bull, cow, or generic animal).
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Climb, fly, and run
What we're really doing right now is building a genuine foundation for making computer games, or more specifically, computer game characters who can run, swim, and fly... So press forward. Let’s create some movement interfaces and add them to the Tiger, Dog, Cat, and Duck classes.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
CanFly, CanRun, and CanSwim for the Duck, Penguin, and Toad classes
If God meant for us to fly, he'd have given us wings. Yeah, right! You're a programmer, so you decide who is capable of doing something. Need a flying penguin or a toad that can run a marathon? Yes, please! Just write some intelligible code. And now for the task. Add movement interfaces to each animal class. The details are in the task conditions.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Interfaces for the Human class
A human is a very complex organism. And it's hard to program one. But we will try, at least to some degree. Here we have a Human class and interfaces. You need to add as many interfaces to the Human class as possible, but be sure that it doesn't become an abstract class. Don't add any methods.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Parent of the CTO class
Do you know how repair shops get started? Just like products in stores, they don't just spontaneously appear from the depths of the planet. Behind each of them are people, machines, and Mallorians. In this task, we need to add the correct parent to the CTO class, and Be sure that when we are done the class is no longer abstract.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Making the top ten
Previously, the Bull's Eye school used a five-point system, but they have now switched to a ten-point system. Here is a method that prints the number five, but you need it to display ten. How will you do it? Are you going to write a whole new method or overload the old one?
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Useless abstractions
This task is, well, just like modern art on Planet Fifties': It's full of useless abstractions, and then strict realism is used where abstractions would have made sense. As you've probably already guessed, we've given you a brainteaser: You need to place the abstract keyword in the right places so that the program will compile.
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
Adding new functionality
The winged horse Pegasus, the beloved of the muses... Even programming should be little poetic. Check this out: take a horse and the Fly interface, put them together and... we get Pegasus! So it isn't very poetic... but it works! You're still there? You can already solve this one!
Java Core,  level 2lesson 12
The isomorphs are coming
If we talk about ordered isomorphs from Planet Linear Chaos, it means that we're about to solve a problem about algorithms. After all, an isomorph without algorithms is no isomorph at all. They won't even talk to people or robots who can't find the minimum of an array and identify its position in the array. But can you do it?