Practice finding and retrieving substrings - 1

"Hi, Amigo!"

"You won't believe it. I just finished all the tasks for you!"

"Sweet! Thanks, Diego."

"But I'm not going to give them to you. So, you do them—it will make you smarter:"

Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 5
Threads of a string or stringy threads? That's the question
1. The getPartOfString method must return the substring between the first and the last tab characters. 2. The getPartOfString method should throw an exception if it receives invalid data: a) StringForFirstThreadTooShortException if the thread's name is FIRST_THREAD_NAME.
Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 5
Find a substring
The getPartOfString method must return the substring that begins with the character after the first space and ends with the end of the word that follows the 4th space. Example: "CodeGym is the best place to learn Java." Result: "is the best place" Example: "Amigo and Diego are best friends!"
Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 5
Between tabs
The getPartOfString method must return the substring between the first and the second tab characters. If the input data is invalid, throw a StringTooShortException. Don't change the StringTooShortException class.