Java Multithreading

Java Multithreading

The Java Multithreading quest introduces students to the secret CodeGym center with multithreading. Over the course of 10 levels, you will study the organization of Object, String, and inner classes. You will learn how to create and stop threads, what deadlock is, and what the wait, notify, and notifyAll methods do. You'll gain experience working with jsoup and Swing, and learn about autopacking and the particulars of its implementation. On this quest, you will create your first mini-projects, which are big tasks. To facilitate learning, they are divided into stages. You will need to write a few games: Tetris, Snake, a space shooter, and Arkanoid. You will also work on serious tasks with multiple stages, such as a chat system, ATM emulator and even a web scraper!

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Level 37 , Romania
3 December 2023, 20:19
Made it here. I have read that Multithreading is insanely hard.
Level 41
15 March 2021, 08:10
Hold up, vibe check: you got this, it will get harder but you'll push through just as you have so far. The challenge is starting to become enjoyable ! Let's go, baby! 💪💪💪✌
Level 41
16 April 2021, 18:17
It's been a month and today I have started level 5. I try to study 4h/day 5 days/week.
Level 41
11 May 2021, 07:16
Multithreading is so hardddddd 😢 . I think it's important to acknowledge that we can't understand everything yet so even if you didn't understand the lesson try not to be discouraged and keep going. I believe down the road it will start to make sense. I am in the final 3rd of level 28 as of today.
Level 26 , Normal, United States
7 June 2021, 17:39
very true.
Level 41
11 June 2021, 10:41
Finally, after about 173 hours of pure study, I have managed to finish the Multithreading quest. It was the most difficult so far. I did take a cumulated period of around 2 (maybe 3) weeks of time off since I started this module in March. It's been very difficult but I can't say I am ready for a Java Junior Developer position because I don't have the required skills yet (working with other libraries and technologies). So I guess I will finish the course and then continue studying on my own the technologies required in the job adverts online for junior developers and also work on a project for my portfolio (I will check youtube for ideas). But I now realise how helpful a tutor is to guide you through the process, to answer your questions live (thank god for the people in the forum - Guada, Nouser and many others who've helped the community so far) and to offer you support when you get stuck. Other than that, what can I say, it's much more harder learning on your own than I would have expected but at the same time it's a very good opportunity to become a stronger person whom can face difficult times in their life - so in this matter having no tutor will be more beneficial down the road. So all in all it was worth it so far. 👍
Justin Smith
Level 41 , Greenfield, USA, United States
28 April 2022, 13:13
To the last comment, I might also suggest that when you finish CodeGym, consider some type of internship or apprenticeship where you'll be working under someone who understands that you're still new, and you'll get some experience working with a team on a real project, before trying to go all in on getting the full-time java developer position. I know that some people have made the full leap right out of CodeGym, but it's probably more likely that you'll benefit from a step or two in between.
Level 41
29 April 2022, 05:58
Yes, this is the position I am in currently, an apprenticeship. And yeah, I am starting to believe that people who made the full leap either had previous experience or went into a role that didn't have many requirements, just basic coding... Because today 90% of junior roles require Spring/Spring Boot, Kafka, Junit, PostGres/MySql, CI/CD tools, DevOps style of development...