"Здравей, Амиго! Ето няколко задачи за теб, приятелю:"

Java Syntax,  нивоурок
Maximum in an array
Whoever gets the best result in today's competition receives the key to New York City! He or she will need to automate 25 processes faster than 19 other classmates. Let's write a program that can help determine the winner of such competitions: create an array of 20 elements, fill it with numbers, and find the maximum.
Java Syntax,  нивоурок
String array in reverse order
No, we're not going to reverse each string so that it becomes the mirror image of the original. We'll save that for another task! Here and now, we need to create an array of 10 strings, read 8 strings from the keyboard and save them in the array, and then display the contents of the entire array (10 elements) in reverse order.
Java Syntax,  нивоурок
Lonely arrays interact
Let's create not one, but two arrays at the same time! One will be a refuge for 10 numbers, while the other will be a haven for 10 strings. Use the keyboard to populate an array of strings. In each element of the number array, record the length of the string whose string array index coincides with the current index of the number array. Then display the contents of the number array on the screen, and you're done.