tengo el siguiente código pero me da error al querer correr el programa, pudieran orientarme por favor a resolver este problema package es.codegym.task.pro.task02.task0213; /* Mejorando tu currículum */ public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { String title = "Senior Lead Principal Software Engineer Data Architect"; String degree = "In college, I Majored in Political Science and Minored in Religious Studies."; String career = "Experienced Team Leader with strong Organizational Skills and a Successful career in Management."; String resume = " This is an example"; //escribe aquí tu código title = title.toLowerCase(); degree = degree.toLowerCase(); career = career.toLowerCase(); resume = resume.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("RESUME" + resume); System.out.println("TITLE: " + title); System.out.println("DEGREE: " + degree); System.out.println("CAREER: " + career); } }