"Ehi, Amico!"

"Ciao, Capitano Scoiattoli!"

"Congratulazioni per aver completato il livello. Prima di andare oltre, assicurati di completare queste attività di programmazione."

Java Syntax,  livello 9lezione 11
Dividing by zero
Maybe you've been wanting this for a long time, but you were afraid? Drum roll, please! Today we will divide by zero! You actually can do it, if you're careful. Create a public static void divideByZero method that divides any number by zero, and display the result of division. Wrap the method call in a try-catch block and display the exception's stack trace.
Java Syntax,  livello 9lezione 11
Students at the secret CodeGym center were given a task to assess their skills: write a countdown from 10 to 0 to determine how much time is left before the end of this test. Cool, huh? To create a delay, you need to use Thread.sleep(100), and wrap the sleep call in a try-catch block. Time's up!
Java Syntax,  livello 9lezione 11
Method in a try-catch
Each of you at least once in your life has probably entered a password or other text incorrectly. Let's protect a program from accidentally entering "incorrect" data. In this task, the user enters numbers from the keyboard. If he or she enters something else, then an exception-catching method should be triggered and display all previously entered numbers.