Error: Could not find or load main class pl.codegym.task.task06.task0607.Kot
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: pl.codegym.task.task06.task0607.Kot
Pojawił się taki komunikat i nie wiem co teraz zrobić. Coś kliknełam i nie moge teraz uruchomić zadania.
Co mam zrobić jeśli w InteliJ IDEA..
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Anonymous #11450928
25 marca 2024, 14:18
Pogrzebałam trochę i pojawił się taki komunikat. wie ktoś co moge teraz zrobić?
25 marca 2024, 15:16
IntelliJ should give you all over the place possibilities to add a SDK. If not...
ctrl-alt-shift s
then SDKs, click the + (add new SDK) and select 'download JDK' (for CG I'd suggest version 1.8 and vendor Eclipse Temurin)
It may be that you need to select the just downloaded SDK for your project. Then again
ctrl-alt-shift s - project and here you select as SDK temurin-1.8
Anonymous #11450928
26 marca 2024, 21:00
Dziękuję za pomoc, ale to chyba nie wszystko. Jeden błąd zniknął, ale ten nadal został: Error: Could not find or load main class pl.codegym.task.task06.task0607.Kot. Wiesz co moglabym zrobic, by go naprawić?
27 marca 2024, 00:19
As already said, without knowing your code I just can guess. And my best bet is that the signature of your main method is wrong.
Anonymous #11450928
27 marca 2024, 21:02
Mój kod
27 marca 2024, 22:06
It says you still haven't selected an SDK for the codegym project. That's that part from my explanation above:
Anonymous #11450928
28 marca 2024, 15:39
Zrobiłam tak jak pokazałeś, niestety dalej program nie chce się włączyć
Gdy chce zmienić cos w programie pojawia się taki komunikat
28 marca 2024, 16:53
This does not look like a CodegymProject. You probably tried to import Codegym files in some weird way into some other project (as a lib or smth like that and now you try to edit the lib??)? If so then this did not work and you either copy the files into the package inside your project or you create the classes there and copy the content into that created classes (adapt the package name).
If you intended to work with the codegym project then download it and open it as project (right clicking that folder and select open as project)
22 marca 2024, 15:12
You should add code to your question. There is a little checkbox that will take care of this for you if you tick it.
From just the error I can tell you that you access a class Kot that is not existing in your package.
That is weird because that task already has a class Kot and your main method should be inside that class. So you probably changed things a little bit to much. Resetting the task should help ;)