• AlejandroNível 34há 17 minutos
    Alejandro is making attempt 1 to complete the "Introducción a las referencias de métodos" task
  • Anonymous #11508752Nível 1Parishá 17 minutos
    Anonymous #11508752 completed the "Afficher le carré d'un nombre" task on attempt 1
  • Anonymous #11508752Nível 1Parishá 17 minutos
    Anonymous #11508752 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Afficher le carré d'un nombre" task
  • Dima ChNível 2há 18 minutos
    Dima Ch completed the "9 is an inverted 6" task on attempt 1
  • Dima ChNível 2há 18 minutos
    Dima Ch is making attempt 1 to complete the "9 is an inverted 6" task
  • MarcinNível 23Poznanhá 18 minutos
    Marcin earned the "Sprint" achievement
  • MarcinNível 23Poznanhá 18 minutos
    Marcin completed the "ApplicationContext" task on attempt 1
  • MarcinNível 23Poznanhá 18 minutos
    Marcin is making attempt 1 to complete the "ApplicationContext" task
  • Anonymous #11509076Nível 1Saarbruckenhá 18 minutos
    Anonymous #11509076 started the lesson entitled "Einen Vertrag abschließen"
  • Andrtor BiltorNível 27Ukrainehá 19 minutos
    Andrtor Biltor is making attempt 5 to complete the "No idiots " task
  • Dima ChNível 2há 19 minutos
    Dima Ch earned the "Sprint" achievement
  • Dima ChNível 2há 19 minutos
    Dima Ch completed the "Last digit of a number" task on attempt 6