• Shiro HiragizawaLivello 1ieri, 23:50
    Shiro Hiragizawa advanced to Level 1
  • Shiro HiragizawaLivello 1ieri, 23:50
    Shiro Hiragizawa registered on CodeGym
  • JordanLivello 39Wenoieri, 23:50
    Jordan completed the "Refactoring the Chain of Responsibility pattern " task on attempt 1
  • JordanLivello 39Wenoieri, 23:50
    Jordan is making attempt 1 to complete the "Refactoring the Chain of Responsibility pattern " task
  • Anonymous #11566869Livello 2ieri, 23:48
    Anonymous #11566869 started the lesson entitled "Curso Java de CodeGym"
  • FerencLivello 44ieri, 23:46
    Ferenc started the lesson entitled "Clases estáticas internas"
  • FerencLivello 44ieri, 23:46
    Ferenc earned the "Sprint" achievement
  • FerencLivello 44ieri, 23:46
    Ferenc completed the "Refactorización, clases anidadas" task on attempt 1
  • FerencLivello 44ieri, 23:46
    Ferenc is making attempt 1 to complete the "Refactorización, clases anidadas" task
  • Diego AndréLivello 1Limaieri, 23:45
    Diego André started the lesson entitled "Variables"
  • tomtom6789Livello 28University Placeieri, 23:44
    tomtom6789 completed the "Counting words " task on attempt 4
  • tomtom6789Livello 28University Placeieri, 23:44
    tomtom6789 is making attempt 4 to complete the "Counting words " task