• Johan CamiloNivå28 minutes ago
    Johan Camilo started the lesson entitled "Instalación de Intellij IDEA"
  • Thales jorgeNivå28 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Static cats " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeNivå28 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Static cats " task
  • Anonymous #11537558NivåBogota28 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11537558 completed the "Uh... ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!" task on attempt 1
  • Anonymous #11537558NivåBogota28 minutes ago
    Anonymous #11537558 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Uh... ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!" task
  • Thales jorgeNivå28 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Cat and statics " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeNivå28 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Cat and statics " task
  • MongKokEast89NivåUnited States of America28 minutes ago
    MongKokEast89 completed the "ApplicationContext " task on attempt 1
  • MongKokEast89NivåUnited States of America28 minutes ago
    MongKokEast89 is making attempt 1 to complete the "ApplicationContext " task
  • Thales jorgeNivå29 minutes ago
    Thales jorge started the lesson entitled "Tarefas finais"
  • Thales jorgeNivå29 minutes ago
    Thales jorge started the lesson entitled "A história da fuga"
  • MongKokEast89NivåUnited States of America29 minutes ago
    MongKokEast89 earned the "Hackathon" achievement