• Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Exception when working with List collections " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Exception when working with List collections " task
  • kwinton cochraneMức độ23 minutes ago
    kwinton cochrane is making attempt 4 to complete the "String array in reverse order" task
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Exception when working with arrays " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Exception when working with arrays " task
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Exception while working with strings " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Exception while working with strings " task
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge completed the "Exception when working with numbers " task on attempt 1
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge is making attempt 1 to complete the "Exception when working with numbers " task
  • Thales jorgeMức độ23 minutes ago
    Thales jorge started the lesson entitled "Apanha-me Se Puderes"
  • Pauline PhillMức độ24 minutes ago
    Pauline Phill registered on CodeGym
  • Thales jorgeMức độ24 minutes ago
    Thales jorge started the lesson entitled "Como as exceções funcionam"