JDBC 數據類型的完整列表
除了您知道的數據類型之外,JDBC 還允許您使用 DBMS 的許多本機數據類型。下面我將列出類型和獲取它們的函數:
類型 | 方法 |
大批 | 獲取數組() |
AsciiStream | 獲取 AsciiStream() |
大數 | getBigDecimal() |
二進制流 | getBinaryStream() |
斑點 | 獲取Blob() |
布爾值 | 獲取布爾值() |
斑點 | 獲取Blob() |
布爾值 | 獲取布爾值() |
字節 | 獲取字節() |
字節 | 獲取字節() |
字符流 | 獲取字符流() |
團塊 | 得到Clob() |
日期 | 獲取日期() |
雙倍的 | getDouble() |
漂浮 | 得到浮點數() |
整數 | 獲取整數() |
長的 | 獲取長() |
N字符流 | getNCharacterStream() 函數 |
目的 | 獲取對象() |
參考 | 獲取引用() |
行號 | 獲取行號() |
短的 | getShort() |
細繩 | 獲取字符串() |
時間 | 獲取時間() |
時間戳 | 獲取時間戳() |
UnicodeStream | 獲取UnicodeStream() |
網址 | 獲取網址() |
BLOB 數據類型
如果你想將一些對象保存到數據庫中,那麼最簡單的方法就是使用 SQL BLOB 類型。JDBC 有它的對應物 Blob。
BLOB代表二進制大對象。_ _ 它用於存儲字節數組。JDBC 中的 Blob 類型是一個接口,您可以通過兩種方式將數據放入(和接收)其中:
- 使用輸入流
- 使用字節數組
示例:第 3 列包含 BLOB 類型:
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user");
Blob blob = results.getBlob(3);
InputStream is = blob.getBinaryStream();
要創建自己的 Blob 對象,您需要使用createBlob()函數。例子:
String insertQuery = “INSERT INTO images(name, image) VALUES (?, ?)”;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
// Create a Blob object and get an OtputStream from it to write data to it
Blob blob = connection.createBlob();
// Populate the Blob with data...
OutputStream os = blob.setBinaryStream(1);
// Passing Blob as query parameter
statement.setBlob(2, blob);
有兩種方法可以用數據填充 Blob。第一個是通過OutputSteam:
Path avatar = Paths.get("E:\\images\\cat.jpg");
OutputStream os = blob.setBinaryStream(1);
Files.copy(avatar, os);
第二個 - 通過填充字節:
Path avatar = Paths.get("E:\\images\\cat.jpg");
byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(avatar);
blob.setBytes(1, content);
將 Java 對象保存到數據庫
我們已經學習瞭如何將二進制對象保存到數據庫:字節數組、字節流等。Java 對象呢?我們如何將 Java 對象保存到數據庫中?
假設我們有一個描述公司僱員的Employee Java 類:
public class Employee {
public Integer id;
public String name;
public String occupation;
public Integer salary;
public Date joinDate;
我們如何使用 JDBC 將此類的對象保存到數據庫中?
CREATE TABLE employee {
name VARCHAR(100),
occupation VARCHAR(100),
salary INT,
join_date DATE
public static boolean addEmployee(Connection connection, Employee employee) throws Exception {
// Create and prepare a query to insert data into the table
String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO employee(name, occupation, salary, join_date ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
// Populate the query with data from the Employee object
statement.setString(1, employee.name);
statement.setString(2, employee.occupation);
statement.setInt(3, employee.salary);
statement.setDate(4, employee.joinDate);
// Execute our query and it returns true if a new row has been added
int count = statement.executeUpdate();
return count > 0;
從數據庫中讀取 Java 對象
我們學習瞭如何將對象寫入數據庫,現在讓我們編寫代碼從數據庫中讀取對象。讓我們從通過 ID 從數據庫中讀取對象的代碼開始:
public static Employee getEployeeById(Connection connection, int id) throws Exception {
// Create and prepare a query to get an employee from the table
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE id = ?");
statement.setInt(1, id);
// Execute our query and it returns null if there are no rows in the query result
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();
if (!results.first())
return null;
// Populate the Employee object with the data from the ResultSet
Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.id = results.getInt(1);
employee.name = results.getString(2);
employee.occupation = results.getString(3);
employee.salary = results.getInt(4);
employee.joinDate = results.getDate(5);
return employee;
public static List<Employee> getAllEployees(Connection connection) throws Exception {
// Create and execute a query to get employees from the table
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM employee");
ArrayList<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();
while (results.next()) {
// Populate the Employee object with the data from the current row of the ResultSet
Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.id = results.getInt(1);
employee.name = results.getString(2);
employee.occupation = results.getString(3);
employee.salary = results.getInt(4);
employee.joinDate = results.getDate(5);
return list;
順便說一句,如果有很多這樣的方法,那麼在每個方法中,您都必須編寫相同的代碼來將 ResultSet 字符串轉換為對象員工. 所以這段代碼可以移到一個單獨的方法中。
如果Employee類包含複雜字段(如 Enum、InputStream 或對我們也想存儲在數據庫中的其他對象的引用),這將特別有用。