


“所有復合類型都由更簡單的類型組成。而它們又由更簡單的類型組成。直到最後,我們最終得到原始類型,無法進一步簡化。這就是它們所謂的 -原始類型。對於例如,int是原始類型,但String是複合類型,將其數據存儲為字符表(其中每個字符都是原始類型 char)。”



Java代碼 描述
public class Person
   String name;
   int age;
聲明了一個新的複合類型 – Person
public class Rectangle
   int x, y, width, height;
聲明了一個新的複合類型 – Rectangle。它由四個(原始類型)變量
public class Cat
   Person owner;
   Rectangle territory;
   int age;
   String name;
聲明了一個新的複合類型 – Cat。它有以下變量:


“大(複合)類型包含許多小(原始)類型。這就是為什麼這些類型的對象佔用大量內存 - 比原始類型的變量更多。有時更多。使用此類變量執行賦值操作過去需要很長時間時間和需要復制大段內存。這就是為什麼複合類型的變量不存儲對象本身,而只是對它的引用,即它的四字節地址。這足以尋址此類對像中的數據。 Java 機器處理所有相關的複雜性。”









“是的,阿米戈。你的問題比我早。這是可能的。如果引用(複合)類型的變量不存儲對對象的引用,那麼它存儲所謂的“空” reference'。基本上,這意味著它引用了一個地址為 0 的對象。但是,Java 機器從不使用該地址創建對象,因此它始終知道如果引用變量包含 0,則它沒有指向任何對象”

Java代碼 描述
String s;
String s = null;
Person person;
person = new Person();
person = null;
我們創建一個值為 null 的 person 變量。
我們將新創建的 Person 對象的地址分配給它。
我們將 null 分配給變量。
Cat cat = new Cat();
cat.owner = new Person();
cat.owner.name = "God";
我們創建一個 Cat 對象並將其地址存儲在變量 cat 中;cat.owner 等於 null。
我們將 cat.owner 設置為新創建的 Person 對象的地址。
cat.owner.name 仍然等於 null。
我們將 cat.owner.name 設置為“God”

“我沒理解錯嗎?變量分為兩種類型:原始類型和引用類型。原始類型直接存儲值,而引用類型存儲對對象的引用。原始類型包括 int、char、boolean 和許多其他類型。參考類型包括其他一切。我們使用類來創建它們。”



Java Syntax,  等級 2課堂 2
Calculate the circumference of a circle
Well, we have a plan. Let's implement it. First, implement a method that calculates the circumference of a circle. To do this, you need to write the correct formula in the method and specify the arguments. But what about pi, which we know is 3.141592... and so on to infinity? We'll keep things simple: let pi = 3.14.
Java Syntax,  等級 2課堂 2
Our first converter!
You've probably used electronic converters or programs on many occasions to convert a quantity of one unit to a quantity of another unit. For example, dollars to pounds, or kilometers to miles. Now it's time for us to write such a tool. Specifically, we'll write a program that converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.
Java Syntax,  等級 2課堂 2
Where does a Person come from?
In Java, people come from the same place that other classes come from: from the programmer's head. It is important for the creator of a class to think through what is important for the class and what is not. If he or she does, then the class will make sense and be useful. Let's begin. Let's create a Person class that allows our Person to have a name, age, weight, and... money. And then we'll create an object.
Java Syntax,  等級 2課堂 2
Family relations
A programmer can create a man and a woman with a couple of deft movements of his or her fingers. Easy-peasy: we'll write the appropriate classes and create objects. Let's work on a married couple: we'll create Man and Woman objects, and then save a reference to the Woman in man.wife, and a reference to the Man in woman.husband. You see? You don't even need a marriage license.