附加任務 - 1



“我有好消息要告訴你。這裡有一些任務可以強化你的新技能。每天練習它們,你的能力將成倍增長。它們是專門為 IntelliJ IDEA 設計的。”

Java Syntax,  等級 3課堂 12
Sum of the digits of a three-digit number
We've got a puzzle for you that will require a little thinking. Or you can Google the solution if you aren't too keen on math puzzles. In any case, you will do well to understand the whys and wherefores. You need to implement a method that takes a three-digit number and returns the sum of that number's digits.
Java Syntax,  等級 3課堂 12
Mercantile intentions
Let's be honest with each other: a programmer's salary wasn't the last thing on your mind when you decided to start coding in Java? Here at the secret CodeGym center we are well aware of this and believe it's nothing to be ashamed of. In this task, let's cut to the chase: display "I want a big salary, and that's why I'm studying Java".
Java Syntax,  等級 3課堂 12
Financial expectations
Dreaming isn't bad for you, especially if your dreams are accompanied by actions (in our case, practical Java training). Let's use the keyboard to enter your expected hourly wage. Then display a message on the screen. No need to be humble. The main thing is to write the code correctly and think about algorithms.


“首先,你啟動IntelliJ IDEA。然後通過插件獲取任務。你也使用插件提交完成的任務進行驗證。”