CodeGym/Khóa học Java/Mô-đun 2: Lõi Java/Bài học bổ sung cho trình độ

Bài học bổ sung cho trình độ

Có sẵn
Nhiệm vụ
Java Core,  mức độbài học
Đã khóa
Classic Terrian clocks say "tick-tock". And they should sound the same in our program. Figure out what the program does and implement the printTickTock method. In the first half of each second, the method should display "Tick." In the second half of each second, it should display "Tock."
Nhiệm vụ
Java Core,  mức độbài học
Đã khóa
Implement logic in the doStep method so that the runner's speed is taken into consideration. The Runner class's getSpeed() method displays how many steps per second a runner takes. The runner needs to actually take a specified number of steps per second. If Usain takes 4 steps per second, then he will take 8 steps in 2 seconds. If Carl takes 2 steps per second, then he will take 4 steps in 2 seconds.
Nhiệm vụ
Java Core,  mức độbài học
Đã khóa
Big Ben
"It's midnight in London," says Uncle Ben. Make him speak automatically. Figure out what the program does and implement the printTime method so that the time is given every second, beginning with the time specified in the constructor.
Nhiệm vụ
Java Core,  mức độbài học
Đã khóa
1. Figure out what the program does. 2. Implement logic in the printCountdown method so that every half a second the program displays an object from the variable list. The output should be in reverse order: from the index passed to Countdown down to zero. Example: Index 3 is passed Example console o
Nhiệm vụ
Java Core,  mức độbài học
Đã khóa
1. Figure out what the program does. 2. Correct the takeOff method. It currently takes a looooong time. A takeoff should take 100 milliseconds. 3. Implement the waitForTakeoff method by analogy with the takeOff method. The wait time should not be longer than the takeoff time.
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