• Yaritza Irizarryपातळी 1DeLandabout 1 hour ago
    Yaritza Irizarry earned the "One small step" achievement
  • Yaritza Irizarryपातळी 1DeLandabout 1 hour ago
    Yaritza Irizarry completed the "It's cool to be a programmer!" task on attempt 1
  • Yaritza Irizarryपातळी 1DeLandabout 1 hour ago
    Yaritza Irizarry is making attempt 1 to complete the "It's cool to be a programmer!" task
  • MatiasRojoCasalपातळी 7about 1 hour ago
    MatiasRojoCasal earned the "Marathon" achievement
  • MatiasRojoCasalपातळी 7about 1 hour ago
    MatiasRojoCasal completed the "<p>Analizando matrices</p>" task on attempt 1
  • MatiasRojoCasalपातळी 7about 1 hour ago
    MatiasRojoCasal is making attempt 1 to complete the "<p>Analizando matrices</p>" task
  • ~Jaime Daniel Piratova Cपातळी 3Bogotaabout 1 hour ago
    ~Jaime Daniel Piratova C is making attempt 4 to complete the "Cambiando zapatos en movimiento" task
  • Anonymous #11444737पातळी 0about 1 hour ago
    LWW started the lesson entitled "첫 번째 프로그램 준비 완료"
  • ~Jaime Daniel Piratova Cपातळी 3Bogotaabout 1 hour ago
    ~Jaime Daniel Piratova C is making attempt 3 to complete the "Cambiando zapatos en movimiento" task
  • Scoot.पातळी 0about 1 hour ago
    Scoot. started the lesson entitled "如何使用 CodeGym"
  • Anonymous #11444737पातळी 0about 1 hour ago
    LWW earned the "One small step" achievement
  • Anonymous #11444737पातळी 0about 1 hour ago
    LWW completed the "아미고는 아주 영리하다" task on attempt 1