作為 Codegym 大學課程一部分的導師授課片段。報名參加完整課程。





InputStream inputStream = System.in;
Reader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);

String name = bufferedReader.readLine(); //Read a string from the keyboard
String sAge = bufferedReader.readLine(); //Read a string from the keyboard
int nAge = Integer.parseInt(sAge); //Convert the string to a number.
Java Syntax,  等級 3課堂 7
Code entry
Sometimes you don't need to think, you just need to hammer it out! As paradoxical as it may seem, sometimes your fingers will "remember" better than your conscious mind. That's why while training at the secret CodeGym center you will sometimes encounter tasks that require you to enter code. By entering code, you get used to the syntax and earn a little dark matter. What's more, you combat laziness.
示例 2
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

String name = reader.readLine();
String sAge = reader.readLine();
int nAge = Integer.parseInt(sAge);
示例 3
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String name = scanner.nextLine();
int age = scanner.nextInt();



“要從鍵盤讀取字符串,最方便的方法是使用 BufferedReader 對象。但要做到這一點,您必須傳入要從中讀取數據的對象。在本例中,是System.in。”


“我想我現在明白了。這個Scanner 類是什麼?”

“Scanner 可能很方便,但不是很有用。問題是,隨著你的繼續(學習和工作),你會經常使用 BufferedReader 和 InputStreamReader,但很少使用 Scanner。它在我們的例子中很方便,但在未來它不會經常有用。所以我們不會經常使用它。”
