CodeGym /Kurse /Java Syntax /Nerd-Pause


Java Syntax
Level 1 , Lektion 12

„Hi, Amigo! Anscheinend hast du für heute genug gearbeitet. Wie wäre es mit ein bisschen Zeit zum Chillen?“

„Weißt du noch, wie wir gesagt haben, dass du für jedes von Julios Videos, das du dir ansiehst, dunkle Materie bekommst? Aber vergiss nicht, du musst es dir bis zum Ende ansehen.“

„Ja, danke. Ich erinnere mich. Ich fange gleich an.“

Kommentare (8)
Vossi Level 9, Germany
4 Dezember 2023
Thanks for sharing this speech! Unlike it is stated in another rating, this is not another story of "From dishwasher to millionaire". The core messages of this speech can be heard from pretty much every halfway qualified speaker these days, but that doesn't make them any less important. It's about how important it is to have a real goal in mind and to do what you love. It's also about having faith that everything will work out. Because often the paths of our lives only make sense when we look back. It is also about looking for chances in crises. Even when everything seems to be broken in pieces, new paths can open up. Personal crises can often, if not always, lead to major changes. Here, too, it is often only in retrospect that you realise what they were good for. In short, you can also say that you should bear in mind that from the top of a mountain, you always go back down into the valley. There is no such thing as a final summit. And the last point is as simple as it is straightforward: Remember that you are going to die. Your days are counted, so make them count. There is no value in doing something day after day that neither does you any good nor gives you any pleasure. This attitude has nothing to do with selfishness, but is simply pragmatic. Everyone can make a valuable contribution to the community in their own way. But that doesn't work if you work against yourself every day under pressure and live the lives of others. It is therefore important to retain your youthful curiosity, to always face life with an open mind and to take it as it comes. Cheers!
Franziska Betz Level 5, Bayern, Deutschland
18 Oktober 2023 I only think about that all I do is for nothing because I will die anyway.....thanks I needed that....anxiety for the win
Marcellus Level 6, Denmark
17 Dezember 2022
war nicht so prickelnd
Ando Level 11, Berlin, Deutschland
8 Juni 2021
Hat mich gelangweilt das Video. Es war ein ungefährer Abklatsch von der Geschichte "Vom Tellerwäscher bis zum Millionär".
TIBO Level 2, Wuppertal, Deutschland
28 April 2021
man kann es skippen mit der taste ,,L"
Chris Level 3, Berlin, Germany
7 Februar 2021
Wonderful video.
Claudia Theiling Level 18, Lüneburg, Germany
24 Juni 2020
Thanks for the video. It’s inspiring.
Salele Level 2, Germany
10 März 2020
Why are all the next exercises all for Premium?