Hi, I just wanted to say to you all - hang on and keep the learning going! TL;DR: Was doing international bussiness for about six years and was always a tech fanboy. Took up Codegym and scored a junior dev job (back-end). Country: Czech Republic. So, I gratuated high school and went to technical university, however I did not have the discipline. So... Dropped out and went for the first job I found, which then was a retail job in your average local electronics store. After about two years of getting tired of the retail stuff (who knows, knows), I sent a resume to a nation wide DIY chain that was looking for an assistent of a product manager. They only needed MS Excel and good English which I had, so they hired me. Very fast I started climbing the corporate ladder and in about two years, I made the product manager myself. Had more than good salary and traveled to Asia very frequently. Anyway, in about 2018 I started to feel that this is not the life that I want to live - you see, my personality is very much introverted and all I loved about my job, was the interaction with MS Excel, which, as you have more and more responsibility, comes to an end as you start to have people do that for you. /*Just a heads up here - you do not need to quit your job to finish this course, it is just faster. */ Mid of 2020, I decided, flink it all! I had some money saved up, so I took up a part time realtor job and as the destiny wanted, I also found codegym. So I started the course, at first just part time (meaning stable 2-4 hours PER DAY) and at the start of October (I was at the end of Java Core - yes, it takes long if you go through all the problems) I gave up my job and gave codegym all of my time. Half of December, I had it finished. Now the hard part came - had to do PERFECT Linkedin profile and all other profiles across all other web pages that offer work for devs. First thing I did was a post about my story with begging for people to share. It did not take long (like 2 hours) and the messages started to come in. It took till half of January 2021 (and there were Christmas during this period) when I scored a job as a junior dev in a major company. And actually, not as a Java programmer, but as a Systems Engineer/Golang programmer (Go is very easy if you follow this course in full, even though it is based on C. And also, this was due to my personal choice as I absolutely love this area). I started in February and knew nothing about Go - the company is paying me for partly learning and partly programming in it and I absolutely love it - and as per yesterday, I actually finished a microservice for a client, completely written in GO. So, for anyone who is asking if this course is worth it - absolutely! But you still have to work hard and expect to go to other sources from time to time. And also get frustrated quite a bit. Take care!