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Artem Divertitto
Inheritance in Java
25 December 2024 12:45
Java Extends Keyword with Examples
What is Java extends Keyword? The extends in Java is a keyword that indicates inheritance between a child and parent class. Extends In Java is a keyword that is written with the child class during class declaration followed by the name of the parent class. When a child class...
John Selawsky
Loops in Java
25 December 2024 12:29
Java Nested Loops
Java, like most other programming languages, supports nested loops. This means just a loop within a loop. In this article, we are going to find out about how to work with nested loops in Java...
Artem Divertitto
Java IO & NIO
25 December 2024 9:09
Scanner NextInt() Method in Java
What is the nextInt() Method in Java? The nextInt() method scans the next token of the input data as an “int”. As the name of the class Scanner elaborates, nextInt() method of this class is used to scan or...
John Selawsky
Java Numbers
25 December 2024 8:35
How to Convert Long to Int in Java
In this article we are going to explain how to convert long to int in Java and write some code examples. Since long is a larger data type than int, here we should use type casting for such conversion...
Vasyl Malik
Java Algorithms
24 December 2024 11:26
Merge Sort in Java
The Merge Sort is the most common algorythm for sorting data using the “divide and conquer” technique. In this algorithm, the problem is divided into subproblems and then after sorting they are merged together...
Aditi Nawghare
Strings in Java
24 December 2024 9:50
Java String format()
The Java string format() method is used to format strings, integers, decimal values, and so on, by using different format specifiers. This method returns the formatted string using the given locale, specified formatter, and arguments. If no locale is provided then it uses the default locale for formatting the strings...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Collections
24 December 2024 8:56
How to create a dictionary in Java
If you need to create a dictionary in a Java program, the most logical way to solve this problem is to use the dictionary data structure. This data structure allows you to store information in the form "key - value". Java has a special Dictionary...
John Selawsky
Strings in Java
23 December 2024 12:53
Java String replace() Method
What are the common replace() methods of String class in Java? The String class provides four different kinds of replace() methods in Java. Each of the methods addresses a specific use case. Their names are listed below...
Vasyl Malik
Java Arrays
23 December 2024 9:21
Arrays.copyOf() Method in Java
What is Arrays.copyOf() method in Java? Java class java.util.Arrays provides a method called Arrays.copyOf() that returns a copy of an array passed as a parameter to this function, followed by specifying...
Jesse Haniel
Java Math
22 December 2024 8:32
Math round() method in Java
All programming languages and computers in general can't work with infinite numbers. Rounding and trimming of numbers follows us literally everywhere, because the nature of modern computers is like that. Java language has a special class...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Collections
22 December 2024 7:29
HashMap computeIfAbsent() method in Java
Java 8, as many of us know, introduced the Stream API. This is a very useful toolkit, but it has a drawback, it does not include Maps. However, Java 8 added several useful methods to the Map interface itself to reduce the amount of "bad" code...
Alex Vypirailenko
Strings in Java
21 December 2024 12:12
Printf() in Java
printf() method belongs to the Java standard library and plays an important role in formatting output. This article will provide beginners with a comprehensive understanding of the printf() method, its purpose, and how to use it effectively...
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