CodeGym/Java Course/Module 6. Career Center/Visual Presentation of Your Resume

Visual Presentation of Your Resume


What to Use for Resume Design? There are no strict rules for this, but it's better to decide in advance how you plan to use your resume. You might use it to respond to specific job postings, send it to companies without open positions, or publish it on a job board for employers to find you.

If you're still undecided on how to search for a job, format your resume wherever it's convenient for you. You can always transfer it later to wherever it needs to go.

There are many ways to format a resume. You can use any text editor, like Google Docs or Notion.

It's best to save the finished resume in PDF format (to ensure minimal problems and consistent display across most devices) and attach it to your job applications, or send a link to it. Just make sure the page is open for viewing.

Avoid file formats that require extra effort or software to view. Files in RAR or ZIP format might be perceived as viruses or scams by HR.

Recruiters often put all resumes in one folder, so your file should include your name and the job title. For example: User_Name_Java_Developer.pdf

You can also publish your resume on a job board, an online platform for posting job vacancies. There, you can download your resume to send it to jobs of interest or publish it for employers to find you.

What You Should Know About Resume Templates

Avoid using complex and colorful templates. They can be difficult to adapt to your needs. Colorful and artistic templates are more suited for designers who know how to work with them.

  • The "notebook" style is also not suitable as it can be hard to read.
  • Opt for simple and legible templates.

Poor Examples for Programmers:

Analyzing Resume Mistakes (from left to right):

Too Little Information on Experience: The first resume is aesthetically pleasing but contains too little information about the developer's experience — only company names and periods of employment. This approach is not recommended.

Too “Designer” in Style: The second resume is overly stylized, resembling a designer’s portfolio rather than a developer’s resume. Such a template can distract from the main focus: your experience and skills.

Lack of Proper Formatting: The third resume lacks proper formatting, highlighted paragraphs, and separate information blocks, making it unreadable for HR.

Resume Style Guidelines

Your resume should maintain a consistent style throughout. Use the following guidelines:

  • Uniform Font: Use a single, readable font without effects. Options include Arial, Calibri, Roboto, or Verdana. The size should be 12-14, ensuring the text is easily readable without straining or needing magnification.
  • Consistent Margins and Spacing: Maintain uniform margins, spacing around headings, and line spacing throughout the document for consistency.
  • Headings: Keep headings the same size as the main text (12–14). They can be distinguished using bold fonts.
  • Alignment: Align your text to the left.
  • Consistency in Lists: Be consistent – either end every line in your lists with a period or none at all.
  • Selective Bold Text: Use bold text sparingly. The more you highlight, the less attention each highlighted word will receive. Only highlight a few, truly important things.

Examples of Good Templates:

  1. Template
  2. Template
  3. Template
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