CodeGym/Java Course/Module 6. Career Center/Crafting an Impactful GitHub Profile

Crafting an Impactful GitHub Profile


Formatting GitHub Readme

A well-formatted Readme on GitHub can significantly help recruiters see you as an interesting addition to their team. You can do this using Markdown.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that converts text into structured HTML. This language is so simple that you could learn it quickly and just as quickly forget it. Just in case you've forgotten, here are links to articles about it:

If you want to create a Readme quickly, you can use a profile generation site: GPRM

Important Aspects of GitHub Project Presentation

The most important thing is to prepare and present your projects properly.

Help your future teammates by writing a good Readme file. A really good one should contain the following information:

  • The topic and essence of the project.
  • How to launch and assemble the project locally.
  • The most important aspects of the project (describe here the classes that can show your coding skills, for example, with business logic).
  • A link to a demo on a cloud repository (for web projects).

Popular web repositories:

What Projects to Upload on GitHub?

So, what projects should you upload to your "official" GitHub, and what should you pay attention to? First, add the projects you created while studying at CodeGym Java University. However if for some reason you don't want to show them, you can write 2-3 small projects that showcase your skills. Here they are:

A small pet project demonstrating understanding of a few key topics:

  • Clean code;
  • SOLID principles;
  • Testing;
  • CI/CD.

2 A CRUD project on Spring should cover the following areas:

  • Working with the framework;
  • Skills in working with databases;
  • Testing;
  • Authorization and authentication.

3 A project built on a microservices architecture should consider these topics:

  • API;
  • Inter-service communication;
  • Service discovery;
  • Containerization and delivery;
  • Asynchronous task processing.

Important! Refactor your projects to showcase your understanding of clean code and SOLID principles. It's preferable for your project to be simpler but well-developed. Aim to demonstrate the best coding practices you can currently apply in your projects. Also, be mindful of the logic and timing of your commits, as well as the project's history. These aspects not only reflect your skills as a developer but also your qualities as a team player, even in personal projects.


So, here are your steps for getting your GitHub ready:

  • Create a GitHub README.
  • Find all your CodeGym projects/your personal projects.
  • Refactor and enhance your CodeGym/personal projects.
  • Create a README for each project.
  • Implement CI/CD.
  • Deploy the project if it's a web application.
  • Pin your best repositories.
  • Popular
  • New
  • Old
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