The Interview Stages


Halfway there! The market's scoped out, resumes sent. What's next? Time to gear up for the interview! Interviews come in all shapes and sizes, but they can be categorized and - here's the kicker - you can prep for them so well that surprises are kept to a minimum. That's what this module is all about. We'll dive into the different types of interviews and how to prep for them like a pro, so you can snag that dream offer with flying colors.

The Interview Stages

Every company, and I mean every, has its unique set of interviews, and boy, can they vary! No surprise there: each company tackles specific tasks and uses different tech stacks. Brace yourself: some companies might put you through 5-7 interviews, while others might be cool with just one. In this lecture, we're going to map out the typical obstacle course for MAANG companies.

MAANG stands for five tech giants: Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (part of Alphabet Inc.). These big shots are known for their massive influence in tech, hefty market caps, and cutting-edge business approaches.

Other big companies might have similar hoops to jump through. Smaller or less-known teams often have fewer or more informal interview stages. But here's the deal: ace the MAANG-style interview, and you're set for pretty much any team out there.

So, let's break down this interview obstacle course typical for a MAANG-style grilling.

The "Phone" Rounds:

  • Screening Call (Intro call): A meet-and-greet, maybe a quick tech question, and setting up the next interview step.
  • Intro Call with HR and Culture Interview: Super important. A savvy HR person figures out if you're a fit for the team and how pumped you are.
  • Testing Task: Often a lengthy assignment showcasing your chops as a programmer.

The "Office" Rounds (usually, but not always, in-office):

  • Team Chat: You get a sneak peek of the department and key players.
  • Technical Interviews: Could be several, with different folks.
  • Live Coding: The big, scary monster. Pure stress.
  • System Design: Not usually for junior roles.
  • Manager Interview: Chatting with your future boss.
  • Offer Interview: Talking salary and details.

Remember, these are just rough stages. They could come in a different order, some like live coding might not even happen, or there might be a test task, etc. Next lecture, we'll deep-dive into the super important, often first step - the Culture Interview with HR, and what the intro call is all about.

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