CodeGym/Java Course/Module 6. Career Center/Interviewing with a Manager and the Offer-Stage Interview...

Interviewing with a Manager and the Offer-Stage Interview


Once you've aced the main interviews (HR, technical, LiveCoding), you might already be in line for an offer. But sometimes, there's also an interview with your prospective manager. This interview doesn’t feel as daunting: if you've gotten this far, they're probably seriously interested in you. However, it's still crucial for your future role.

This stage gives you a chance to learn about the project and meet your future team. You might be asked about your motivation, how you handle conflicts and problems, your stance on overtime, etc. In this lecture, we'll discuss what can impress or turn off managers.

Manager Interview Stages

  • Project Discussion: You'll talk about your potential tasks and the specifics of the job. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if something piques your interest.
  • Key Questions:
    • Your Motivation: Managers value working with motivated individuals.
    • Overtime: Don’t outright refuse all overtime. That might limit your job prospects. Overtime isn’t fun, but it's a reality in our field. However, endless overtime is a red flag, indicating poor management. A mature response would be agreeing to occasional overtime, like once every six months.
    • Conflict Resolution: You might be given a scenario, like someone criticizing your code. This is where your soft skills come into play. The smart approach is to discuss with the person, understand their viewpoint, and present your arguments. If the issue remains unresolved, involve a third person for an unbiased opinion.

Offer-Stage Interview

If you pass the manager interview, next comes the offer. You might get a call, an email, or be invited to the office. This stage involves discussing salary (recall Lecture 1.2 on calculating your "self-worth"), company perks (like health insurance, gym membership, etc.). Feel free to ask questions and clarify your start date. This interview is generally pleasant and straightforward.

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