Setting logging levels


4.1 List of logging levels

You wrote your program, uploaded it to the server, and then you immediately start to have questions:

  • How to make sure that debug()the method does not work while working in production?
  • There is too much information in the logs, would you like to leave only error messages?
  • How to see a detailed log for one part of the application?

Of course, the creators of the logs faced the same thing decades ago. I will not tell you how this problem was solved in the C language, but in the Java language it was solved very beautifully.

The log filters the data before writing the information to the . You can very quickly reduce / increase the detail of the log by setting the logging level. These levels are described in the table below:

Level Note
1 ALL Log all messages
2 TRACE Small message when debugging
3 DEBUG Messages important for debugging
4 INFO Simple messages
5 WARN Write only fatal, error and warning
6 ERROR Write only errors and fatal errors
7 FATAL Write only fatal errors
8 OFF Do not write messages to the log

These levels are used when filtering messages. If you set the logging level to WARN, then all messages less important than WARNwill be discarded: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO. If you set the filtering level to FATAL, then even ERROR.

There are two more severity levels that are used in filtering - this OFF(discard all messages) and ALL- write all messages (discard nothing).

4.2 Log setup example

Let's look at a simple log setup example. To do this, we need the file, which can be placed in the resources folder. Let's add the following content to it:

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, stdout

# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}

Here in the very first line we set the logging level - WARN. And this means that messages that are written to the logger with status DEBUGwill INFObe ignored.

  • Specify what type of appender we will use -ConsoleAppender
  • Specify where we will write the log -System.out
  • We set the class that will control the recording format -PatternLayout
  • Set the recording format for all messages - date and time

4.3 Popular logging mistakes

And one more important point - popular errors in logging. There are not so many options to do something, but several common mistakes can be identified:

  1. Too much logging . You should not log every step, which theoretically can be important. There is a rule: logs can load the performance by no more than 10% . Otherwise there will be performance issues.
  2. Logging all data into one file . This will cause it to be very difficult to read/write to at some point, not to mention that there are file size limits on certain systems.
  3. Using the wrong logging levels . Each level of logging has clear boundaries, and they should be respected. If the boundary is vague, you can agree on which level to use.
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