JSP directives


5.1 includes

There are a few more magic directives that I would like to talk about. The first such directive is the include directive . It allows you to insert another file in the place of the page where it is indicated. The general format of such a directive is:

<%@ include file="url"%>

You can specify not just a file, but, for example, another jsp-servlet, or even a url.


<%@ include file="header.jsp"%>

    double num = Math.random();
    if (num > 0.95) {

<%@ include file="footer.jsp"%>

You can, for example, put the top part of all pages of the site in header.jsp, and the bottom part in footer.jsp and collect all pages as a constructor.

5.2 forward

Remember that classic servlets have the ability to redirect or forward to another url? In JSP, this is also possible and there is a special action for this. Its appearance is slightly different from what you saw before:

<jsp:forward page="url"/>

There is also a more advanced option - with parameters:

<jsp:forward page="url" >
    <jsp:param name="Name" value="meaning"/>
    <jsp:param name="Name" value="meaning"/>
    <jsp:param name="Name" value="meaning"/>


    <title>The Forward Example</title>
        <h2> Forward example </h2>
        <jsp:forward page="login.jsp"/>

5.3 Redirect

There is no special directive for a redirect, but it can be done by calling Java code.


        String redirectURL = "https://codegym.cc/";

This example will send 302a redirect. If you need 301a redirect, then you need to write a couple more lines of code:

        response.setHeader("Location", "https://codegym.cc/");
        response.setHeader("Connection", "close");
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Level 41 , Bayreuth, Germany
16 March, 10:03
One should keep in mind that 301, 302 and 303 convert POST to GET. To keep POST headers one should use 307. HttpServletResponse also declares constants for these status codes.
    response.setHeader("Location", "target.html");