CodeGym/Java Course/Module 3. Java Professional/ObjectUtils class from Apache Commons

ObjectUtils class from Apache Commons


Introduction to the ObjectUtils class


allNotNull(Object...values) Checks that all objects are not null
allNull(Object...values) Checks that all objects are null
anyNotNull(Object...values) Checks that at least one object is not null
anyNull(Object... values) Checks that at least one object is null
clone(T obj) Clones an object
cloneIfPossible(T obj) Clones an object or returns the original
compare(T c1, T c2) Compares objects
defaultIfNull(T object, T defaultValue) Returns the default object if object is null
equals(Object object1, Object object2) Compares two objects
notEqual(Object object1, Object object2) Check if two objects are not equal
firstNonNull(T...values) Returns the first object that is not null
getFirstNonNull(Supplier ... suppliers) Returns the first object that is not null
getIfNull(T object, Supplier defaultSupplier) Returns the given object if it is not null, otherwise returns the Supplier.get() value of the passed Supplier
hashCode(obj) Calculates the hashCode for an object
hashCodeMulti(Object... objects) Calculates hashCode for a group of objects
isEmpty(Object object) Checks if an object is empty or null
isNotEmpty(Object object) Checks if an object is not empty or null
requireNonEmpty(T obj) Checks if an object is not null, otherwise throws an exception
requireNonEmpty(T obj, String message) Checks if an object is not null, otherwise throws an exception
identityToString(Object object) Returns a string for an object
toString(Object obj) Returns a string for an object
toString(Object obj, String nullStr) Returns a string for an object
toString(Object obj, Supplier supplier) Returns a string for an object

Let's look at one method from each group. I hope you will use them often, because they are very convenient and allow you to avoid unnecessary code.

The method compares objects in the same way as comparator: greater than, less than or equal to. It can be used to sort objects.

The method signature looks like this:

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(final T c1, final T c2);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(final T c1, final T c2, final boolean nullGreater);

If the third parameter ( nullGreater ) is true , then null will always be considered greater than non- null . The method returns positive if c1> c2, negative if c1<c2, and 0 if c1 == c2.


String firstValue = "codeGym";
String secondValue = "codeGym";
System.out.print(, secondValue));

firstValue = "codeGym";
secondValue = null;
System.out.print(, secondValue));

firstValue = "";
secondValue = "codeGym";
System.out.print(, secondValue));

The program will display the result:



The isNotEmpty() method checks that the object passed to it is neither empty nor null .

Method signature:

public static boolean isNotEmpty(final Object object)


List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();


values = null;

The result will be displayed on the screen:



The Java developers really liked the idea of ​​ObjectUtils , so in JDK 7 they added their own:

isNull(Objectobj) Checks if an object is null
nonNull(Object obj) Checks if an object is not null
toString(Objecto) Converts an object to a string
toString(Objecto, String nullDefault) Converts an object to a string
boolean equals(Object a,Object b) Compares objects
boolean deepEquals(Object a,Object b) Compares objects
T requireNonNull(T obj) Checks if the passed parameter is not null
T requireNonNull(T obj,String message) Checks if the passed parameter is not null
int hashCode(Object o) Calculates the hashCode for an object
int hash(Object...values) Calculates hashCode for a group of objects
int compare(T a,T b,Comparator c) Compares objects

Since the java.util.Objects class is part of the JDK, it is recommended that you use it in your code.

It is important to note that when you read someone else's code, you will most likely come across options from ObjectUtils , this often happens in open-source. Here you can see how they differ.

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