

Working with NoSQL technologies

Spring Data has additional projects that will help you access various NoSQL technologies, including:

  • MongoDB

  • Neo4J

  • Elasticsearch

  • Redis

  • GemFire or Geode

  • Cassandra

  • >Couchbase

  • LDAP

Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Redis, MongoDB, Neo4j, Solr, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Couchbase, LDAP, and InfluxDB. Additionally, Spring Boot for Apache Geode provides auto-configuration for Apache Geode. You can use other projects, but you will have to configure them yourself.


Redis is a cache, message broker, and full-featured key-value store. In addition to this, Spring Boot contains basic autoconfiguration for the client libraries Lettuce and Jedis and abstractions provided via Spring Data Redis.

For convenient collection of dependencies, there is a “starter” spring-boot-starter-data-redis. By default, it uses the Lettuce library. This starter pack works with both traditional and reactive applications.

We have also provided a "starter" spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive to ensure consistency with other repositories that support reactive programming .

Connecting to Redis

You can implement auto-configurable RedisConnectionFactory, StringRedisTemplate, or a vanilla RedisTemplate instance, just like any other Spring bean. By default, the instance will try to connect to the Redis server at localhost:6379. The following listing shows an example of such a bean:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyBean {
    private final StringRedisTemplate template;
    public MyBean(StringRedisTemplate template) {
        this.template = template;
 // ...
 public Boolean someMethod() {
        return this.template.hasKey("spring");
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class MyBean(private val template: StringRedisTemplate) {
 // ...
 fun someMethod(): Boolean {
        return template.hasKey("spring")
You can register an arbitrary number of beans that implement LettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer for more in-depth customization. ClientResources can also be customized using ClientResourcesBuilderCustomizer. If you are using Jedis, JedisClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer is also available. Additionally, you can register a bean like RedisStandaloneConfiguration, RedisSentinelConfiguration or RedisClusterConfiguration to gain full control over the configuration.

If you add a custom @Bean of any of the autoconfigured types, it will override the default type (except in the case of RedisTemplate, if the exception is based on the bean name, redisTemplate, and not on its type).

By default, the pool connection factory is automatically configured if commons-pool2 is in the classpath.

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