At last, back to where I was in 2021. I wonder where I could have been if I did not get side tracked by life?
Hopefully I will complete it this time round.
I started in 2019 in codegym beta --- second pass thru -- better the 2nd time! --- and I use the cool software App w/ custom IDE on my phone to learn during idle time
Purposefully pacing myself. I feel like I learn more and retain more when I only do a few tasks a week, and try to limit leveling up to only once a week. As a math teacher, I know that I could push through material really quick, but without the students dwelling on a topic for a while, and letting it stew over in their heads, they'll not really process it and understand it as deeply. The subconscious needs time to work.
Plus, I think a lot of students of this course get burnt out by their intense pace they set.