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Java Collections
Level 5
You've reached Level 35
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 0
You've reached Level 35
Version control systems
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 1
"Hi, Amigo!" "Hi!" "Today I will tell you about version control systems." "As you probably already know, programs are often very large and take a very long time to write. Sometimes dozens of people can spend years writing a program." "Projects with millions of lines of code are a reality." "Whoa ..."
Commits and branches
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 2
"Today I'm going to tell you about the two most popular version control programs: SVN and Git." "SVN works approximately the way I described in the last lesson. Git is a little more complicated, and I plan to discuss it in more detail." "Can you give me links to the documentation for SVN and Git?" "Of course, just a second." ...."
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 3
"Hi, Amigo!" "Hi, Ellie!""Today, Rishi and I are going to tell you all about generics." "Wait, I think I already know almost everything." "Almost everything, but not everything." "Really? OK, I'm ready to listen." "Then let's begin ..."
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 4
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 4
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 4
Generics: super, extends, list
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 5
"Now for a new, interesting topic: wildcards." "Essentially, this is something like a «*» pattern that matches anything." "But let's start from the beginning." "Imagine that you have a Warrior class and a method that determines which of two warriors is stronger. Here's how this might look ..."
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 6
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 6
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 6
Generics: Class
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 7
"Hi! I'm going to continue Ellie's lesson on generics. Ready to listen?" "Yes." "Then let's begin." "The first thing you need to know is that a class's methods can also have their own type parameters." "I know." "No, I specifically mean their own type parameters ..."
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 8
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 8
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 8
Generics: ? wildcard
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 9
"Well, finally — another small lesson on generics." "Now I'm going to tell you how to get around type erasure." "Ah. That's something I want to know." "As you probably already know, Java has a Class type, which is used to store a reference to an object's class. "Here are some examples ..."
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 10
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 10
Tasks | Level 5 | Lesson 10
Learning to google | Level 5 | Lesson
Java Collections
Level 5,
Lesson 11
"Hi, Amigo!" "Let's continue our lessons on how to google." "Here are some exercises ..."
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