"வணக்கம், சிப்பாய்!"

"ஹலோ, கேப்டன் அணில், சார்!"

"ஒரு புதிய பணிகளுக்கு நீங்கள் தயாரா? உங்களை நீங்களே சவால் செய்ய வேண்டிய நேரம் இது."

Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Set of cats
You need to create a set of cats. This requires a public static Cat class. Then implement the createCats method, which should create a Set of cats and add 3 cats to it. In the main method, remove one cat from Set cats. Finally, implement the printCats method. It should display all the cats that remain in the set.
Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Animal set
Let's add animals to sets. First, we'll create Cat and Dog classes and then createCats and createDogs methods, which will return sets with dogs and cats. We'll write a join method that returns the union of the dog and cat sets. To handle any unfriendliness, we'll create the removeCats method, which removes cats from pets. And finally — the printPets method, which displays everything in pets.
Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Shared last names and first names
We're ready to discover our namesakes! We just need to write a program to realize this heartwarming goal. To start, let's create a Map, where we will add people represented by (last name, first name) pairs. Let there be ten of them, with some of them sharing last names and some of them sharing first names. After that, we'll display the contents of the Map on the screen.
Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Minimum of N numbers
The programmer searches for minima and maxima wherever he can—among two numbers, in an array, in a list... Students at the secret CodeGym center study lists on the eighth level, so this important moment has come for you. Even now, you can try to find the minimum in a list of n numbers. But before you look for the minimum, you need to create a list. What are you waiting for?
Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Going national
Once diners get over their initial reservations about the proper color of breakfast foods, they fall in love with green eggs and ham. Sam-I-Am has big plans to open a national chain of restaurants featuring his signature dish. He'll launch the Green Eggs and Ham restaurant chain as soon as he can find suppliers of properly colored eggs. We will write a program that replaces the text "green eggs and ham" with "Green Eggs And Ham".
Java Syntax,  நிலை 8பாடம் 11
Make a family
Let's try to create a program for a family census. To do this, we'll write a Human class with String name, boolean sex, int age, and ArrayList children fields. To practice, create objects and fill them with data so we end up with two grandparents, two grandmothers, a father, a mother, and three children. Display the objects on the screen.