CodeGym /Java Blog /Strings in Java /Printf() in Java
Alex Vypirailenko
Java Developer at Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions

Printf() in Java

Published in the Strings in Java group
printf() method belongs to the Java standard library and plays an important role in formatting output. This article will provide beginners with a comprehensive understanding of the printf() method, its purpose, and how to use it effectively. Printf() in Java - 1

Introduction to the Java Printf Function

The Java printf() method, also known as the "format specifier," is used to format text and variables for output. This tool can be used to create informative strings of text without using String concatenation, or relying on non-standard characters that might trigger output errors. The placeholders are replaced by actual values when the string is printed to the console. The printf() method is powerful as it enables you to control the appearance of text, numbers, and other data types in your output. printf() method has the following signature:

public static int printf(String format, Object... args)
Java printf function takes two arguments:
  • A format string: This string contains special formatting characters that tell the printf function how to format the output.
  • A variable number of arguments: These arguments are the values that will be formatted and printed.
The format string can contain any combination of literal text, formatting characters, and special characters. The formatting characters tell the printf function how to format the output of each argument. Here is a simple example of how to use the printf function:

System.out.printf("Hello, %s!\n", "World");
In this example, the format string contains two parts:
  • The literal text "Hello, ": This text will be printed literally.
  • The formatting character "%s": This character tells the printf function to format the next argument as a string.
  • The argument "World": This is the value that will be formatted and printed as a string.
The output of this code will be:
Hello, World!

Formatting Characters

The printf function supports a variety of formatting characters, each of which can be used to control the appearance of the output. For example, the following formatting characters can be used to format most popular primitive data types in Java:
  • %d: formats the argument as an integer;
  • %f: formats the argument as a floating-point number;
  • %e: formats the argument as an exponential floating-point number;
  • %s: formats the argument as a String;
  • %c: formats the argument as a сharacter;
  • %b: formats the argument as a Boolean. The value "true" is printed if the argument is true, and the value "false" is printed if the argument is false.

Understanding Formatting>

Formatting is a crucial aspect of any programming language, as it determines how data is presented to users. With the Java printf method, formatting becomes easier and more flexible. You can control the width of fields, specify the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers, and align text as per your requirements.

Using the Java Printf Method

Let’s have some examples. In the first one we are going to format the decimal number pi.

public class PrintfExample1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double pi = 3.141592;
        int precision = 3;
        //printf example 
        System.out.printf("The value of pi with %d decimal places is: %.3f", precision, pi);
The output of this program:
The value of pi with 3 decimal places is: 3.142
Here we use the printf() method to format and display the value of pi with a specific number of decimal places. The format specifier %.3f indicates that we want to display the floating-point number with three decimal places. Now let’s have another Java printf example in which we print formatted strings and Integers:

public class PrintfExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "Alice";
        int age = 15;
        //printf example
        System.out.printf("Hello, my name is %s and I am %d years old.", name, age);
The output of the program is here:
Hello, my name is Alice and I am 15 years old.
In this example, we use the printf() method to format and display a message that includes a string and an integer value. The format specifier %s is used for the string, and %d is used for the integer. Let's delve into a practical example to understand how the printf() method works. Suppose you want to display the name, age, and salary of an employee. Here's how you can achieve this using the printf() method:

public class PrintfExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "John";
        int age = 30;
        double salary = 50000.50;
        //printf example
        System.out.printf("Name: %s, Age: %d, Salary: %.2f", name, age, salary);
The output is here:
Name: John, Age: 30, Salary: 50000,50
In this example, the format specifiers %s, %d, and %.2f are used to indicate string, integer, and floating-point values respectively. The values of name, age, and salary are provided as arguments after the format string. Now let’s try to use the printf() method to format and display a boolean value:

public class PrintfExample3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean isJavaFun = true;
        //printf example
        System.out.printf("Is Java fun? %b", isJavaFun);
Is Java fun? true
In this example, we use the printf() method to format and display whether Java is fun or not. The format specifier %b is used for boolean values. These examples showcase how the printf() method can be used to format and display various types of data in Java. The format specifiers help control the alignment, width, precision, and other formatting aspects of the output. Printf() in Java - 2

Benefits of Using Printf

The Java printf() method offers several advantages, including:
  • Improved control over text formatting.
  • Simplified alignment and precision for numerical values.
  • Enhanced readability of the code, especially for complex formatting.
  • Consistent formatting across different output statements.


The printf() method in Java is a versatile tool for formatting output in a user-friendly manner. By understanding its usage and format specifiers, developers can effectively present data to users with precision and clarity. Whether you're displaying simple messages or complex data, the printf() method empowers you to create visually appealing and informative output.
Comments (1)
Chloe Catherine Potter Level 49, Campbell, US Expert
17 February 2024
The online "textbook" that comes with CodeGym has greatly helped me to understand Java concepts!