- Commands and the first program
- Introduction to types and keyboard input
- Conditional operators
- Loops
- Working in IntelliJ IDEA, Debugging
- Arrays
- Functions
- Data types
- Useful nuances
- Working with strings
- Objects
- Classes and "static"
- Collections, Generics
- Collections, part 2
- Exceptions
- Input/Output streams
- Working with time and date
- Introduction to OOP
- Lambda functions
- Game‑like tasks on CodeGym
- OOP basics: principles, inheritance, encapsulation
- OOP basics: overloading, polymorphism, abstraction, interfaces
- Interfaces: comparison with abstract classes, multiple inheritance
- Type casting, instanceof, major task on interfaces
- Method overloading, constructor call specifics
- Introduction to threads: Thread, Runnable, start, join, interrupt, sleep
- Advanced threads: synchronized, volatile, yield
- Introduction to streams: InputStream/OutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream
- Streams continued: Reader/Writer, FileReader/FileWriter
- Serialization
- Object basics: equals, hashCode, clone, wait, notify, toString()
- Strings: mutable, immutable, format, StringTokenizer, StringBuilder, StringBuffer
- Inner classes, examples with Map.Entry
- Inner class implementation details
- Creating and stopping threads: start, interrupt, sleep, yield
- Exclusive access to shared data: synchronized, volatile
- Deadlocks: wait, notify, notifyAll
- ThreadGroup, ThreadLocal, Executor, ExecutorService, Callable, practical with Jsoup
- Autoboxing and implementation features
- Operators: numeric, logical, binary; practical with Swing
- Working with files and archives
- RMI and dynamic proxies, practical with Swing
- JSON and JavaScript, practical with Guava, Apache Commons Collections, JUnit
- Recursion, garbage collection, and Java reference types, logging
- Version control systems: Git and SVN, Generics
- Core patterns for web applications, advanced collections
- Design patterns, utility classes (Arrays, Collections)
- Development methodologies, Java annotations, exception hierarchy
- Building your first web application with Tomcat and IntelliJ IDEA
- URI, URL, REST services, creating a client‑server application
- Course completed!
And also:
- Instant task verification
- Virtual mentor
- IDE plugin
- WebIDE
- Gamification
- Motivational lectures