- Introduction to HTML
- Introduction to CSS and JavaScript
- Frontend IDE
- Popular HTML tags
- Tables
- Multimedia in HTML, part 1
- Multimedia in HTML, part 2
- Forms, part 1
- Forms, part 2
- Semantic HTML5 tags
- Microdata and SEO
- CSS Basics: Selectors
- CSS Basics: Colors and pseudo-elements
- Working with fonts
- Text formatting
- Box model
- Flexbox
- Working with backgrounds
- Decorative elements
- Git and GitHub
- Positioning elements, part 1
- Positioning elements, part 2
- Transforms and transitions
- Animations
- Responsive layouts. Responsive images
- Responsive fonts. Adaptive tables
- Introduction to CSS Grid
- CSS Grid: Aligning elements
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- CSS variables and functions
- CSS functions
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Loops and arrays
- Data types and functions
- Objects and array handling
- Dates, timers, and higher-order functions
- Array methods and debugging
- OOP: Prototypes and classes
- OOP: Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism
- Introduction to DOM
- Events and Canvas
- Asynchronous programming and promises
- Backend interaction
- New structures and generators
- WebSocket and WebAPI
- IT Industry and You
- Modern Development
And also:
- Instant task verification
- Virtual mentor
- IDE plugin
- WebIDE
- Gamification
- Motivational lectures