i started reading 'thinking in java' based on java SE5, but then i found the author's newer book on google play 'on java 8'.
i was just wondering have you read it, i think it is the updated replacement for java 8? in your opinion would i still be better off reading 'thinking java' instead of that one? the beginning chapters i glanced through were very similar. thanks for the advice
"thinking in java" vs "On java 8"
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9 June 2020, 16:28
fyi: below is what bruce eckel the author says about "on java 8". so i guess all the praises of "thinking in java" have just been updated to java 8 and it's just as good. it is published in a different way so maybe he had to use a different title. no idea. anyway, anyone actually read the two?"
his description:
"This book teaches the most modern form of Java programming using the features in the 8th version of that language. My previous Java book, Thinking in Java, 4th Edition (Prentice Hall 2006), is still useful for programming in Java 5, the version of the
language used for Android programming. But especially with the advent of Java 8, the language has changed significantly enough that new Java code feels and reads differently. This justified the two-year effort of creating a new book.