If you have/had a mentor how did you find them?
I have been trying to learn Java off and on for a few years now...I still find it hard to "think like a developer" to solve problems, I'm also still learning syntax. I have written simple code, but apparently I have not been writing it the way people want it written. I am wondering if there are people who are mentors specifically in Java? Not finding many people in a random web search...
Chanda B Barrick
Level 8
Does anyone know if there are Java or Dev mentors?
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Ntuthuko Xaba
12 April 2020, 01:03
I have been trying to learn how to code since 2013, I've jumped from ".....for dummies" to codecademy , to coding-courses online and I can honestly say , even though I haven't completed the course , this is the only time that programming has made sense to me, eg. I now use loops without thinking twice ,whereas before I had no idea what I was doing but just copying and pasting code.
Granted there are things I still need to focus on eg. Exceptions ,Constructors and booleans but my understanding of programming is way higher and better than what it used to be.
Another thing that I have learnt while googling for answers is that we don't learn the same.
Some people find their answers on stackoverflow which I find too technical,but youtube has been my go-to.I guess it's seeing somebody solve a similar problem right in front of you , step-by-step.
All I can say is give it time and practice , and I can almost guarantee ,that you will come out ahead.
Chanda B Barrick
10 September 2020, 23:55
Thanks for the feedback...Took a hiatus from codegym and just now seeing this reply...DOH!