Hi all, just got to level 12 and read a success story where they stated that if they could do it at age 30 anyone can. This got me thinking, how old is too old to learn to program. I am from the UK and am 51. I am doing it to see how far i can self develop and learn and see if it takes me anywhere. Before this i have had zero programming knowledge and in terms of general IT i was late to the party as they say. Anyway was just curious and wandered if i was the oldest JAVA learner on CodeGym or are there others like me out there???
Either way i will keep plodding on this journey of self learning
How old is too old?
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MrWaito Backend Developer
9 March 2023, 15:09
Never too late to learn something new, keep it up!
Robbie_Robot Student
4 October 2022, 05:27
Hey Steve O!
I am 52 and going back to college to earn my BS in Computer Science. I have a ton of Mathematics to complete and that is what I believe is the hardest. But if I can learn college level Algebra, you can learn Java!
Although I will admit I think we old farts learn a little slower and have to put more effort into it, but we also have more wisdom and problem solving skills then them young wipper snappers! Cheers Mate!
Gall Anonim #10897794
20 September 2022, 05:52
You are in my age. I have started like you - without any experience in programing. I am level 7.
21 January 2023, 20:22
Hi guys, and I am almost your ages (now 44), also beginning from zero, started since yesterday, now at level 1. Cheers :)
John Squirrels Website Admin at CodeGym
19 September 2022, 16:24
There are no age limits to start coding with us, it is never too late to learn😉