Welcome back to the CodeGym monthly digest, which includes the most important Java & programming updates and the collection of posts to boost your professional growth as a developer. Let’s dive in!
The significant Java updates in March:
- Oracle has released version 20 of the Java programming language and virtual machine.
- Build 15 of the JDK 21 early-access builds was also released in the second half of March.
- Spring Boot 3.0.5 is available now – this release includes 40 bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades.
- Maven 3.9.1 has been released with a bunch of improvements.
- In the TIOBE index for March, Java is ranked as 3rd most popular programming language (behind Python and C), adding +2.37% to its share. This is the most significant growth among the top 3 languages.
- In PYPL ranking Java comes 2nd, right after Python. Both Java and Python shares surged slightly this month, while JavaScript, marked 3rd, has gained 0.6% to its share.
Case studies by top tech companies:
- Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 nodes in Open AI blog – this post summarizes the efforts so that others in the Kubernetes community can benefit from them and ends with problems that Open AI still faces that we’ll be tackling next.
- How Discord stores trillions of messages – a detailed explanation of figuring out the troubles with Cassandra, changing the architecture, and a very big migration by the Discord team.
- How we built our multi-platform design system at Booking.com – this is a good post about the challenges of building a design system for 150+ product teams, used by 200+ designers and 800+ developers and serving 4 different platforms by Booking.
Additional useful reading:
- Using Metrics in Software Engineering Management – a personal take on how the IT industry is scrambling to figure out how to improve effectiveness with all the suddenly available data.
- Modern Java Methods for Processing Text With Streams and Lambdas.
- The Best API Documentation Tools for Dev Teams in 2023.
CodeGym updates and posts (in case you’ve missed them):
- Who Are Metaverse Developers, and What Technologies Do They Need to Know? – find out more about metaverse developers, their responsibilities, skills, and career prospects.
- A Standing Desk And An Activity Break: Helpful Healthy Tips for Everyone Who Are Working By Computer – a brief guide on how to organize your work and online learning to reduce the harm of sitting & staring at your computer for hours.
- The Main Java Competitor. Why Is Kotlin Still Less Popular than Java Despite All Its Advantages? – everything you need to know about Java vs. Kotlin eternal question.
- “Complete the CodeGym Course, Find the Internship, And Prepare for MAANG Interviews” – our students share their goals for 2023. If you’d like to compare your ambitions with other CodeGym students, click to find out more!
- Top Challenges the Software Developers Often Face. Love or Hate Them! – a not-so-serious review of challenges (benefits, actually) that you’ll face in daily work as a software developer.