CodeGym /Java Blog /Random /6 Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills
Andrey Gorkovenko
Frontend Engineer at NFON AG

6 Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills

Published in the Random group
Coding in Java is so incredibly easy and fun, isn’t it? Just learn it real quick and start developing your own software or get a well-paid job as a Java Developer. Child’s play. Actually, we are not even sure why it’s taking so long for many of our students, or why they needed to pay for an online Java learning course in the first place. Ok, we are obviously messing with you. Learning how to code in Java, or any other programming language for that matter, is not that easy. If you are learning it totally from scratch or even if you have some technical knowledge and experience already, it won’t be a piece of cake, ok? If it was like that, we wouldn’t have to design CodeGym the way we did, with all those exciting features to help you focus, social elements, and perfectly balanced gamification part. Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 1Talking about gamification, it really turned up to be super effective in helping new learners to master programming skills and get a grip on the general approach to coding. That’s why we decided to share with you some of the other pretty good online coding games that will help you learn Java. Learning how to code can be fun after all, or at least it doesn't have to be boring.

1. Robocode

It would be just rude not to start this list with Robocode, as this is probably the most famous Java-based coding game of all times. Initially launched back in 2000, Robocode is an open source game where the player has to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks, while coding in Java or .NET. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 2
Robocode is a great game to learn the basic principles of Java coding, as well as robotics and artificial intelligence. Not a bad mix, right? This is one of the main reasons Robocode has a cult game status and many players even today, 20 years since its initial release. Another important reason is that Robocode’s just really fun to play and addictive, in a way like many classic games are. In the game, you are designing your own robot-tank to battle other players’ robot-tanks. By programming its battle strategy and AI, you are trying to destroy opponents to win. Even today regular Robocode coding tournaments and competitions are being held in different countries.

2. Codewars

Codewars is basically a web platform with all kinds of programming challenges and tasks to practice coding and train a whole range of skills in a variety of programming languages, Java is one of them. Codewars supports 21 programming languages overall, plus the support of another 17 less popular ones is currently in beta.Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 3
For solving tasks and completing challenges users get points. Interestingly, the size of the reward depends on how elegant and efficient the suggested solution was. Another interesting feature of this platform is that it allows you to see different options to solve the challenges, suggested by other users, allowing you to learn from more experienced programmers.

3. CodeMonkey

Want your offspring to start learning programming, sooner the better? Or maybe just have a REALLY hard time getting even the most basic things about programming (well, it can be hard for some people)? CodeMonkey is a simple game that is primarily meant for 6 to 13-14 year old kids, but there is no shame in playing it even if you are a full-grown adult. The game has quite a fun yet simple gameplay, which makes it a good choice to play when on the road, for example. CodeMonkey is designed to fit players without any coding skills whatsoever, and teaches you basic concepts and principles of programming as a discipline. The language used in this game is called CoffeeScript.Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 4

4. Codingame

Codingame is another popular web platform for developers to practice their coding skills by solving increasingly difficult puzzles. Codingame supports over 25 programming languages, so you won’t be limited just to Java, which is also on the list of course. As well as C#, Python, JavaScript, Lua, Go, Rust, and pretty much every other commonly used coding language. The variety of tasks and puzzles is not bad as well, keeping you from getting bored. Codingame also has a cool multiplayer feature, allowing you to play with friends or Java learning bodies (whom you can find on CodeGym).Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 5

5. Elevator Saga

Elevator Saga is a simple but addictive game that supports almost all modern programming languages, Java obviously included. Players can compete and challenge each other, with results showing on a leaderboard. The challenges this game has to offer are surprisingly engaging, considering how simplistic this game looks. There’s a time limit for every challenge as well, which serves as an additional motivation and teaches you not just to find solutions to problems, but also to do it as quickly as possible.Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 6
Elevator Saga

6. CodeGym

Well, we are at CodeGym, and that’s great! Because here you can find not exactly coding games, but a cool instrument to create your own games, or, more precisely, your own versions of some old school classical games. I’m talking about the CodeGym Games section. Even if you are just a beginner and your Java knowledge is very basic, you can try CodeGym Games to create your version of Minesweeper, 2048, Snake, Space Invaders, Moon Lander and Racer. Each game is a task divided into subtasks that should be completed step by step. Each step is provided with detailed instructions and explanations, which makes it easier for a beginner to work. So get the subtask, write your code, and check it out with the help of CodeGym Validator. If the code is working the right way, you can continue and go to the next step. After completing the last step you’ll have a ready-to-use game. You can publish on the website, customize it according to your creativity and sharing with your friends. By the way, the CodeGym Games section is completely free to use. Five Great Coding Games to Practice Your Java Skills - 7
Comments (2)
Prasad Level 1, United States
11 September 2023
Very useful!
Andrei Level 41
23 September 2020
Nice, Thanks!