Hi everyone! I've been studying at CodeGym for 3.5 years now and still don't work as a developer. What went wrong?
Since 2006 I have worked in sales: mortgages, car loans, banking products; since 2011 — only investment products. Before entering university, I decided what I wanted to do: "Work with successful people."v And so it happened: 6 years after graduating from the university, I am a manager for work with VIP clients in the most prominent private bank in Russia. For me, talking about investments, learning from clients is unrealistically cool.
The feeling of pleasure from achieving the goal continues to this day, but over time, I started to question myself, "What's next, what's the next goal?" There was no answer. Of course, there were some excellent prospects: head of a department, deputy, bank branch manager, bank branch manager, but something always kept me contemplating. I did not see my future there as my job was many times more profitable.
When I started working for an investment company, where I was responsible for attracting new customers. What options did I have? Cold calling, conferences, old clients, their acquaintances. I specialized in bonds, made portfolios. And then I faced a problem. There was no worthy, free source of information on Eurobonds and their main features: timing, coupons, yields, no reviews, news, selections. There were only two tools: a fee-based source and a free source, which was no good,
So I decided to make it on my own. I searched for options and came across WordPress. It turned out to be a great option for writing articles, reviews. I had to tinker with the parameters of bonds, so I decided to make a table with advanced search, filters, and sorting. I found the data on a German stock exchange. Every morning I updated the table with pens. It took me 2 weeks to understand that I didn't like the routine. Found, bought a universal parser, figured it out in a week, set it up, launched it — voila, auto-update of quotes works.
I wrote reviews and news almost every day, I studied at the same time, helped a lot in sales when communicating with people. Six months later, without advertising, SEO, my website entered the TOP-3 of Yandex (search engine like Google) for the query "Quotes of Eurobonds", TOP-5 in Google for the same query. Our marketing was surprised by this.
Here, in fact, is my first acquaintance with IT, which was fascinating.
In the fall of 2016, for some reason, everyone in the office was obsessed with learning English (Sergey is from Russia). I also decided to learn another "international" language — programming language. I don't remember why, I stopped at Java and only later found out that it is one of the most popular ones. My studying was spontaneous for a whole month: I read what I found, watched videos with minimal practice. There was no plan.
Finally, I came across CodeGym and decided to give it a try. A minimum of theory, a lot of practice. Isn't that what you need? So I started to study excitedly for 1-2 hours a day.
I don't even remember what level I've reached then, but after 3 months, I decided to practice my knowledge. By that time, at work, our management decided that we should pass the exam and receive the certificate of a financial adviser. Actually, there were two exams, 3300 questions, and tasks in total. But there was only a scanned pdf of 300 pages with the correct answers highlighted in bold to prepare for exams. It's unreal to read from a computer, it's impossible to read from a phone at all, the search doesn't work at all. So I changed the format from pdf to word through an online service, and it's already better. But I believed I could make it even better.
I learned that Android is written in Java and decided to make a small simulator, where I will just flip through the questions with answers and choose an answer with a correct/incorrect check. I fiddled with View for 3 days and completed my project.
It was heaven and earth. Preparation for the exam has accelerated significantly. I prepared and passed it in a month, instead of 3, like other colleagues. I showed it to my colleagues and offered to put it on the Play Market. Of course, my application was not free, as I spent my personal time making it.
But how nice it was to see that the annual CodeGym paid off in a month. The development of the application preoccupied me, so I even stopped to train on CodeGym. I learned everything in practice, and in 6 months, I made a fully functional application: with search, chat, an emulator of a real exam, redesigned the design on the principles of material design.
Later, our management decided to implement working shifts and assigned me to make schedules. It took me 2 weeks of manual filling in Excel — it's huge as I don't like the routine. So I wrote a Telegram bot, and now the employees appointed themselves the duty, changed the dates of the duty, the bot reminded the employee of the duty.
I also made another bot for myself: the bot kept portfolios of clients. It showed the dynamics of assets, sent a beautiful picture of the portfolio of the selected client. Colleagues asked to add them, and so I did. They still use it.
Naturally, after all these developments and achievements, I drew the attention of HR from my company. At that time, a lot of work was underway to transform the company into digital. Eventually, our management offered me to take the position of Head of IT projects. It sounded good even without subordinates. 1.5 years have passed since the beginning of the study of the "foreign" Java language.
From time to time, I thought about what else can I do. Bingo! A simulator for teaching English. I found the contacts of my English teacher and offered to make a simulator for a mobile platform. It was a timely proposal: he then just ran into a problem. There were many switchers to training from mobile devices among his students. His site was not suitable for mobile, so we agreed on the terms of our teamwork at once.
I started to develop an application. Without stress in my free time, it took 2 months to design, backend development of iOS and Android.
I have mastered the backend (Java), Android, iOS, and there's so much more I'll need to learn in the future to come up with the best solutions for my referral tasks.
I did not become a developer, but I solve everyday problems with the help of my knowledge in development. It is easier for me to set tasks for colleagues, estimate work time, and help with analytics. I continue to communicate with successful people: I do consider developers to be successful people. They do what they want, and not many can boast of that.
Here's my story. I wish everyone to set goals and achieve success.