Are you hungry for data? In this case, we have prepared a brief overview of Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey results. So, if you’re wondering where the industry is heading, let’s look at key insights. Taking the pulse of the tech trends is key to understanding the development industry better. The Overview of the Overview. StackOverFlow 2022 Survey in Details! - 1

What’s Under the Hood?

First, we’ll give an overview of how StackOverflow conducted the survey. This year, the data was gathered from 73,268 developers from 180 countries all across the globe. And from all the 73,268 responses, approximately 6,309 responses were from people who are just learning to code, which helps us get valuable feedback from fellow students like us. Also, researchers interviewed 53,507 professional developers to let us know what’s happening in serious tech corporations now. Who were the rest? Hobbyists, retired developers, and even non-coders who deal with programming at work regularly. The survey was held from May 11, 2022, to June 1, 2022, and each participant spent about 15 minutes answering the questions, which is longer than in previous years. The new questions also included info on how coders learn their trade. Not surprisingly, older coders are most likely to learn from books, whereas the new generation relies on online materials like Codegym and other courses. As a result, the overall percentage of students learning online increased from 60% to 70%. Another new line of inquiry was version control. The Stack Overflow also revealed exciting results in this field. So, let’s look at the highlights of the survey results more deeply.

No Single Language to Rule the World

The leader hasn’t changed this year: JavaScript is still the most used language. Speaking about other languages, there are no substantial moves in positions. The key takeaway for our learners: as you may see, Java continues to hold top positions year after year, and this tendency doesn’t seem to change soon. It’s mainly achieved because Java is easy to learn, use, and, therefore, easy to write, compile, and debug. Yet, the most crucial perk is Java, a platform-independent language coders use across different environments, from Android devices and computers to web apps, software, banking industry tools, and more. In other words, it’s a platform-independent language that can move freely from one OS to another. And the great news is that cross-platform development is going stronger this year.

Cross-Platform Development in 2022

Even though Windows wins in personal use, there’s no clear OS leader. Developers are getting used to creating applications across different platforms, which means the apps also increasingly become platform-independent.

An Abundance of Databases and Frameworks

The same goes for databases and web frameworks in 2022. There is no single technology that boasts 50%+ usage. The top 3 databases include PostgreSQL with 46.48%, MySQL with 45.68%, and SQLite with 30.83%. Speaking about web frameworks, Node.js (46.31%), React.js (44.31%), and jQuery (29.21%) held the leading positions. From this, it’s easy to conclude that developers use various languages, frameworks, databases, tools, and even OSes in their projects. However, there’s no widespread consensus across them, which we consider significant as you may universally build and deploy with your preferred technologies while reaching wider audiences.

Git is the Leader

Researchers included Git in the “Other tools” section in previous years. But this year, StackOverFlow has included it in the “version control system” section, where it took first place with a whopping 96.65%. Git is a king of version control systems, being especially popular among professionals. Also, it is a surprise that 17% of learners do not use any version control system. Luckily, that’s not the case, and at CodeGym, we teach students how to work with Git.

What’s About Version Control Platforms?

Regarding continuous integration tools, GitHub is the king of 2022. Like its core, Git, GitHub manages the versions of source code written in a repository, which makes it a powerful tool for writing software simultaneously with other programmers to merge codes into a single end product independently. So, you need to cover it (or other top version control platforms) since the entire software development industry seems to live in this universe.

The Most Used Fundamental Tools of 2022

Last year Git was considered an essential tool for being a developer. Yet, this year, it’s all about Docker, which has increased its use from 55% to 69%. And this number seems to grow since Gartner believes that 70% of companies will be running multiple containerized applications by 2023.

The Most-Wanted Databases

Out of all databases, PostgreSQL and MySQL are the most loved ones (with PostgreSQL having 46.48% and MySQL coming after by a little margin with 45.68%).

Bonus Info: It’s All About Learning

It shouldn’t be surprising that 62% of all respondents spend more than half an hour a day searching for solutions to problems. With that, 25% spend more than an hour each day. For a team of 50 developers, this time varies between 333–651 hours per week. Agree that it’s better to soak in as much knowledge as possible now rather than wasting precious time working. Instead, it could be spent building.


In 2022, 47.9% of professional developers reported that they hold a bachelor’s degree compared to 49.34% recorded the previous year (29.7% said that they hold a college degree, whereas 22.67% have an associate degree). These numbers significantly vary if we look at the responses from students just learning to code. 61.9% of dev learners haven’t got a bachelor’s degree and don’t intend to. So, more than half of fellow learners are in the same boat. Every year, the number of developers who don’t earn a degree increases, and this tendency isn’t likely to change soon. On the other hand, each year, learning to code online with courses is becoming more optimal and more welcomed even by large companies. That said, 38% of learners who already have an academic degree say that learning never stops for them - they still rely on online resources to learn and keep up with the latest tech trends.

Learning to Code Online

Compared to the previous year, the number of students learning to code online increased from 60% to 70%. This growth goes hand in hand with the fact that each year more and more people are educating themselves outside of the academic system and university degrees. From all this, it’s easy to conclude that you’re going on the right path by choosing online learning. The Overview of the Overview. StackOverFlow 2022 Survey in Details! - 2


Ultimately, it would be amiss not to mention that developers value flexibility, ease, and stability. And the tech world can now give you all of that, providing developers with a massive variety of technologies and tools evolving yearly. Hopefully, this overview of the StackOverFlow 2022 survey has encouraged you to start/continue the CodeGym course and get a solid foundation for your future career. Let’s train together!