What is a “double”?
The primitive data type “double” in Java is used to store decimal numbers with a higher level of precision of upto 15 digits. While “float” provides 6-7 digits of precision, “double” is more widely used for higher precision of calculations and measurements.What is a “Double” in Java?
“Double” is a wrapper class in Java that stores the primitive type of “double”. It comes with a bunch of useful functions for “double” manipulation and computations. For example, you can convert Java double to string quite effectively using its wrapper object.How to convert Java Double to String?
You can convert double to string in Java by various simple methods. Let’s look at a few examples.Double.toString() method
package com.doubletostring.java;
public class ConvertDoubleToString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double pi = 3.141592653589793;
System.out.println("Pi Double: " + pi);
// Converting Double to String using Double.toString() method
String piStr = Double.toString(pi);
System.out.println("Pi String: " + piStr);
Pi Double: 3.141592653589793
Pi String: 3.141592653589793
This is the most handy and commonly used approach for converting Java double(s) to string(s).String.valueOf() method
package com.doubletostring.java;
public class StringValueOfDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double screwGaugeReading = 7.271572353580126;
System.out.println("Screw Gauge Reading Double: " + screwGaugeReading);
// Converting Double to String using String.valueOf() method
String screwGaugeReadingStr = String.valueOf(screwGaugeReading);
System.out.println("Screw Gauge Reading String: " + screwGaugeReadingStr);
Screw Gauge Reading Double: 7.271572353580126
Screw Gauge Reading String: 7.271572353580126
String.format() method
package com.doubletostring.java;
public class StringFormat {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double vernierCalliper = 7.271572353580126;
System.out.println("Vernier Calliper Double: " + vernierCalliper);
// Converting Double to String using String.format() method
// Format Literal "%s" returns String for any parameter data type
// Parameter is "Double" in our case
String vernierCalliperStr = String.format("%s", vernierCalliper);
System.out.println("Vernier Calliper String: " + vernierCalliperStr);
Vernier Calliper Double: 7.271572353580126
Vernier Calliper String: 7.271572353580126