In Java, “NaN” stands for “Not a Number”. It is not a type of exception, rather surprisingly, the datatype of NaN is also a number. But often when novice programmers get it unintentionally, they further use it in their calculations. Hence, incompatible data types in Java when used together can cause a throwable error.
It is also commonly seen that
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
is considered the same as NaN. However, Java treats them both differently. Puzzling enough? For your comprehensive understanding we’ll dissect how these are different from one another.
By the end of this article you’ll learn about the possible operations producing not a number (nan), and some easy ways to handle it.What is NaN?
So, what is NaN? “NaN” as many of you have guessed, is used to represent “Not a Number” in Java. It is a special floating point value to denote overflows and errors. It is generated when a floating point number is divided by zero or if the square root of a negative number is computed. For example, have a look at the following snippet.
public class NaN
public static void main(String[]args)
System.out.println(0.0 / 0.0); //zero divided by zero
System.out.println(Math.sqrt(-1)); //take sqrt of negative number
System.out.println(10.0 % 0); //taking mod by zero
In the snippet above, you can observe that NaN is produced as a result of 3 simple operations:- Dividing a
float / double
zero with zero. - Taking under-root of a negative number (Math.sqrt(-x)). In mathematics, taking the square root of a negative number results in an imaginary number. This case is dealt with by returning NaN in Java.
- Taking mod of a number with zero, will return the remainder after dividing a value by zero. Hence, NaN is returned.
How NaN is Different from Positive and Negative Infinity?
According to IEEE 754 specification, there are three special floating-point & double values to handle the boundary cases:- Positive infinity
- Negative infinity
- NaN
What isNaN() Method?
is one of the basic methods in Java to check if it is a NaN value or not. As we discussed three cases above, it’s time to test how isNaN() method differentiates between +infinity, -infinity and NaN values.
public class isNaN
{ public static void main(String[]args)
Double posInfinity = +2.0 / 0.0;
Double negInfinity = -3.5 / 0.0;
Double nanVal = 50 % 0.0;
System.out.println ("+" + posInfinity + ".IsNaN() = " + posInfinity.isNaN());
System.out.println ( negInfinity + ".IsNaN() = " + negInfinity.isNaN());
System.out.println ( nanVal + ".IsNaN() = " + nanVal.isNaN());
+Infinity.IsNaN() = false
-Infinity.IsNaN() = false
NaN.IsNaN() = true
How to Compare NaN Values?
Every NaN value is considered distinct. This means, not a single NaN is equal to any other NaN. By this principle, If you compare one value to another the result is always negative. Since, NaN is unordered, so a numeric comparison involving even a single NaN returns false. Java provides Float.NaN and Double.NaN for constant fields in both classes to perform comparisons. We can differentiate these in two separate scenarios:- True: Only in case of In-equality (!=)
- False: For all comparison operands (==, <=, >=, <, >)
public class ComparingNaN
{ public static void main(String[] args)
// Comparing NaN values for Float constants
System.out.println (Float.NaN != Float.NaN); // true
System.out.println (Float.NaN == Float.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Float.NaN < Float.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Float.NaN > Float.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Float.NaN <= Float.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Float.NaN >= Float.NaN); // false
// Comparing NaN values for Float constants
System.out.println (Double.NaN != Double.NaN); // true
System.out.println (Double.NaN == Double.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Double.NaN < Double.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Double.NaN > Double.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Double.NaN <= Double.NaN); // false
System.out.println (Double.NaN >= Double.NaN); // false
How to Generate NaN Values?
Before wrapping up, let’s look at some common examples of getting a Not a Number (nan).
public class GenerateNaNValues {
static final float ZERO = 0;
public static void main (String[]args)
System.out.println("ZERO / ZERO = " + (ZERO / ZERO));
System.out.println("+INFINITY - INFINITY = " +
System.out.println("-INFINITY * ZERO = " + (Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * ZERO));
System.out.println("+INFINITY * ZERO = " + (Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY * ZERO));
System.out.println("log10(-10) = " + Math.log(-10));
System.out.println("√-10 = " + Math.sqrt(-10));
System.out.println("NaN + 10 = " + (Float.NaN + 10));
System.out.println("NaN - 10 = " + (Float.NaN - 10));
System.out.println("NaN * 10 = " + (Float.NaN * 10));
System.out.println("NaN / 10 = " + (Float.NaN / 10));
System.out.println("NaN + NaN = " + (Float.NaN + Float.NaN));
System.out.println("NaN - NaN = " + (Float.NaN - Float.NaN));
System.out.println("NaN * NaN = " + (Float.NaN * Float.NaN));
System.out.println("NaN / NaN = " + (Float.NaN / Float.NaN));
log10(-10) = NaN
√-10 = NaN
NaN + 10 = NaN
NaN - 10 = NaN
NaN * 10 = NaN
NaN / 10 = NaN
NaN + NaN = NaN
NaN - NaN = NaN
NaN * NaN = NaN
NaN / NaN = NaN