The equalsIgnoreCase() method in Java is used to compare two strings while ignoring the case differences (lower and upper). Like the equals method, it compares the contents of both strings. If the contents are the same it will return true, otherwise false.
When you need to compare the contents of a string with another string ignoring case sensitivity.Syntax
Here the contents of both strings inputString1 and inputString2 are compared with each other.
This method receives a string which is compared with another string calling the equalsIgnoreCase() method.Return
The equalsIgnoreCase() method returns a boolean value. If the argument is not null and the contents are the same, ignoring the case, it returns true. Otherwise false.Example
Let’s have a look at the Java Program to illustrate the equalsIgnoreCase() method.
public class EqualsIgnoreCaseExample {
public static void main(String[] args)
String comparisonString1 = "Hello! I am A string";
String comparisonString2 = "heLLo! i AM a STRING";
String comparisonString3 = "Hey there, here's another string to compare the first two.";
System.out.println("Comparison Results");
// see if first 2 comparison strings are equal
boolean result1 = comparisonString2.equalsIgnoreCase(comparisonString1);
System.out.println("comparisonString2 is equal to comparisonString1 = " + result1);
// check if second and third strings match when case ignored
boolean result2 = comparisonString2.equalsIgnoreCase(comparisonString3);
System.out.println("comparisonString2 is equal to comparisonString3 = " + result2);
// check if first and third strings match
boolean result3 = comparisonString3.equalsIgnoreCase(comparisonString1);
System.out.println("comparisonString3 is equal to comparisonString1 = " + result3);
Comparison Results
comparisonString2 is equal to comparisonString1 = true
comparisonString2 is equal to comparisonString3 = false
comparisonString3 is equal to comparisonString1 = false